
发布 2024-02-11 08:35:18 阅读 2647


) 1. come some2. how now ( us ( 4. say wait ( five

) 6. gate sad ( walk ( 8. boy join ( back ( who

二、 选择填空,将答案序号写入题前括号内。

) 1. l__ ve 留下 ( a. ee b. ea2. d__zzy 头昏眼花( a. i b. e )

) 3. f__ d 食物 (a. or b. oo4. c__ toon动画 (a. ar b. ur )

) 5. pl__ 戏剧 (a. oy b. ay6. _eck检查 (a. ch b. sh )

) 7. t__ k谈话 (a. al b. aw ) 8. l__ss 较少 (a. a b. e )

)9. _ind 种,类 (a. k b. ck ) 10. m__self我自己 (a. i b. y )

三、 选择正确的中文,将序号写入题前括号。

)1. straight a 笔直地 b 奇怪的

)2. expensive a 便宜的 b 昂贵的

)3. stomachache a 肚子疼 b 头疼

)4. f**ourite a 最喜欢的 b 厌烦的( )5. actress a 男演员 b 女演员

)6. airport a 飞机场 b 车站

)7. tired a 疲倦的 b 伤心的

)8. anywhere a 任何事物 b 任何地方

)9. crazy a 着迷的 b 懒惰的

)10. examine a 观察 b 检查

四、 写出下列单词的复数形式。

在词尾加s 或es)

1. pencil2. bag3. apple4. egg

5. school6. bank7. bus8. watch

五、 仿照例子,写出下列动词的适当形式。

例: takes take , goes go

likes3. plays4. does

例: read reading , write writing

例: surf surfed , do did

9. h**e

六、 选择正确的译文,将序号写入题前括号。

)1.回** a. call back b. come back

) 2.试穿 a. try again b. try on

) 3.演出 a. put on b. get on

)4.谈论 a. talk about b. how about

)5.在周末 a. at weekends b. at night

)6. shopping list a.购物单 b. 购物中心

) right a. 向左转 b. 向右转

) school a. 放学后 b.下课后

) morning a.今天上午 b明天上午

) housework a. 做家务 b. 做作业

七、 选择填空。

)1. what’s the __with him?

a. matter b. wrong c. cold

) 2. i feel dizzy, i’ve __a cold.

a. got b. get c. h**e

) 3. _you take a message for me?

a. shall b .do c. could

)4. why don’t you come out___me?

a. to b. with c. about

) you doing?

a. is b. are c. am

) father __a doctor.

a. am b. is c. are

)7. marya panda now.

a. is drawing b. draw c. draws

)8. my motherin a hospital.

a. working b. work c. works

)9. itv yesterday evening.

a. watched b. watch c. watching

)10is this notebook?

a. how much b. how many

八、 选择正确的答语,将答案写在括号里。

)1. how are you?

a i’m fine. b i’m twelve.

)2. where is she from?

a she’s from china. b she’s a student.

)3. what does he do?

a he’s a worker. b she’s a nurse.

)4. what colour is the shirt?

a it’s red. b it’s new.

) 5. what time is it now?

a it’s ten yuan . b it’s ten o’clock.


) 1.今天是星期几?

a. what day is today? b. what’s the date today?

)2. 今天天气怎么样?

a. what is it like? b. what’s the weather like?


a. can you help me? b. can i help you?

)4.(打**用语) 请问你是谁?

a. who are you? b. who’s that speaking?


a. where did you go yesterday?

b. where are you going?


六年级期中英语水平测试。一 请根据提供的 用其正确的英语表达完成句子。1 linda has a cshe plays games on it 2 there are 有 three bin my pencil box 3 tom has a e his pencils are all 全部 in ...


第二学期期末测试。亲爱的同学们,祝贺你完成了六年级下学期的学习,相信一定有很多收获,快来展示一下吧!展示你的听力能力 40分 一 听音,给 标序号,并写出钱数,听2遍。12分 二 听录音,圈出你所听到的句子中的单词,听2遍。12分 1.he could couldn t carry the bags...


一 按字母表顺序写出所缺的相邻字母。10分 二 正确抄写下列句子,并在括号里写出中文意思。注意大 小写,标点符号 6分 do some shopping for her yellow coat is nicer than the blue one 三 根据中文意思写出英文单词。16分 红色的大的连衣...