
发布 2024-02-11 08:35:18 阅读 3245





)1、a、show b、take c、play

)2、a、make b、cut c、paint

)3、a、report b、informationc、picture

)4、a、activeb、serious c、kind

)5、a、cinemab、hotel c、bank

)6、a、cinemab、hotel c、bank

ii.听录音,选出听到的句子。( 10分)

)7、a. we are going to write a short play .

b. she is going to cut the bamboo.

)8、a. don’t talk in the libraryb. don’ eat in class .

)9、a. happy birthdayb. happy mother’s day !

)10、a. my birthday is on the seventh of may .

b. my birthday is on the seventeenth of may.

)11、a. i’ll make a beautiful card for my mother .

b. i’ll buy a box of chocolates for my mother .

iii .听录音,按听到内容的先后顺序给**排序,用字母代号表示。(4 分) ab c d

iv .听录音,选出正确的答语。( 10 分)

) 16. a. yes, we areb. we are going to put on a show .

) 17. a. my birthday is on the 4th of april .

b. my mother’s birthday is on the 28th of april.

) 18. a. peter was firstb. yes, there is a bank near our school .

) 19. a. he is tallb. yes, he is kind to children .

) 20. went to the west lake last week .

b. we took some beautiful pictures .


i .用大小写按正确的格式及顺序写出下列字母的左邻右舍。( 10分)

21. ee 22. hh 23. kk 24. pp 25. xx

ii .根据中文意思,选出最佳选项将下列单词补充完整。(6分)

) 26. c _ ema (电影) a. in b. ei c. ni

) 27. j _ uary (一月) a. ai b. na c. an

) 28. th_ o _ 丢,扔) a. r, a b. r,w c. w,r

) 29. _search (调查,研究) a. re b. er c. ea

) 30. mu _ e _m (博物馆) a. s,a b. s,u

) 31. yest _ day(昨天 b. re c. ar


)32、we are___read in the library ..

a、 go b、going c 、going to

)33、tom is writing __the book .

a、in b、at c、on

)34、it’s too loud , bob __do his homework well .

a、can b、is c、cannot

)35is your birthdaymy birthday is in may .

a、where b、what c、how

)36、we are going to talk __our school life .

a、about b、on c、in

)37、anne likes___very much.

a、sing b、singing c、sang

)38、the weather in kunmingsunny and warm next week.

a、is b、was c、will be

)39、the man was ill . he was in __

a、home b、parkc、hospital

)40、don’t __the *****. it’s useful.

a、cutting b、tocut c、 cut

)41、--how was your weekend on the farm ?

great! we __with the farmers.

a、enjoy ourselves b、went fishing c、will work

iv . 情景交际,选出最佳答案。(15分)


a. excuse me . b. sorry to hear that . c. thank you very much .


a. i’m tiredb. i’m sorryc. i’m excited.


bus no.9 . b. you may take bus no.6 . c. get off at the third stop .


a. you’re welcome . b. don’t say that . c. i’m sorry .


a. can you show me the way to the shopping centre ?

b. can you show me the way to the holiday hotel ? c. what would you like?


47、can , show, you, me, the way (?

48、had, we, lunch, at, park, the (.

49、there, is, a cinema, here, around (?

50、first, was, in, who, the, race (?

51、was, race, there, a one-hundred-metre, yesterday (.


a: excuse me. 52

b: my birthday is in july. is your birthday in july ?


一 选出不同的。10分 1.a.east b.west d.north 2.a.cinema b.post office c.music d.library 3.a.plane b.stop d.bus 4.right home left straight 5.light light light l...


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