
发布 2024-02-11 08:30:18 阅读 5183







) 1. a. eb. pc. d

) 2. a. mb. sc. l

) 3. a. 12b. 2c. 20

) 4. a. c u rb. k w ic. f h e

) 5. a. thatb. theyc. there

) 6. a. shoesb. shortsc. trousers

) 7. a. coldb. coolc. warm

) 8. a. mineb. yoursc. hers


) 1. abc.

) 2. abc.

) 3. abc.

) 4. abc.

) 5. abc.


)1. lily often goes to bed at 9:00. (2. put on your dress.

)3. this is a beautiful 't read in the bed.

)5. i'm too fat. what can i do? (is playing basketball.

四、 听录音,补全句子将你听到的单词写在横线上(每空限填一词)( 10分)。

hello! my name is mingming. i’m 11 years old. i h**e many friends.

this is my new friendname is tim. he isenglish boy. he isyears old.

hechinese food very much.

wein the same (相同)class. we are good friends.



1. cc2. ff3. jj

4. mm5. ss


) 1. r n a. ib. uc. r

) 2. g l a. irb. ric. ar

) 3. le__ a. seb. esc. ss

) 4. doct__ erc. ar

) 5. br__d a. aob. eac. ee


1. one(序数词2. write(同音词。

3. go (过去式4. new(反义词。

5. run(现在分词6. they(宾格。

7. children(单数形式。


) 1. i like sunny day.

a. anb. ac. 不填。

) 2. do you h**e hobbies?

a. ab. anyc. some

) 3. -is he a postman

a. yes, he is b. yes, he isn’t c. no, he is.

) 4. yesterday sports day.

a. amb. wasc. is

) 5. who is the ?

a. oneb. twoc. second

) 6. i’m good __singing.

a. atb. toc. with

) 7. linda wanted __a toy bear.

a. buyb. buyingc. to buy

) 8. she often___to school at 7:00

a. gob. goesc. going

) 9. _boy has more balls?

a. whatb. whichc. who

)10. the girl is __on the beach.

a. sitingb. sitc. sitting


iii ) 1. thank youa. it’s a circle

) 2. how did you come hereb. nice to meet you, too

) 3. good afternoonc. i came by bus.

) 4. what shape is thisd. yes, i do.

) 5. what’s the weather likee. he’s a driver.

) 6. nice to meet youf. good afternoon!

) 7. do you h**e a peng. i’d like some cakes.

) 8. which one do you wanth. you’re welcome.

) 9. what’s hei. a short one, please

)10. can i help youj. it’s warm.


last sunday, mike didn’t get up early. he got up at 7:00.

his father and mother didn’t go to work. they all stayed at home. mike did his homework in the morning.

his mother washed the clothes in the afternoon. mike helped her do some housework. then he went shopping with his father.

mike bought some new books there. in the evening, mike watched tv with his parents. he went to bed early.


一 试题的特点 一 试卷难度适中。试题总体难度适中,全卷的难度 区分度都把握得比较好,内容贴近生活 贴近时代,知识覆盖面广。二 着重基础知识的考查。试题本身充分体现考查学生基础知识为主要目标的命题原则,以课本为依托,重视语言知识的积累,考查了上半学期课本上的语言知识,让学生感到平时的教学与考试密切相...


2011年六年级英语升级试卷分析。一 试题的特点 一 试卷难度适中。试题总体难度适中,全卷的难度 区分度都把握得比较好,内容贴近生活 贴近时代,知识覆盖面广。二 着重基础知识的考查。试题本身充分体现考查学生基础知识为主要目标的命题原则,以课本为依托,重视语言知识的积累,考查了上半学期课本上的语言知识...


一 试题的特点 一 试卷难度适中。试题总体难度适中,全卷的难度 区分度都把握得比较好,内容贴近生活 贴近时代,知识覆盖面广。二 着重基础知识的考查。试题本身充分体现考查学生基础知识为主要目标的命题原则,以课本为依托,重视语言知识的积累,考查了上半学期课本上的语言知识,让学生感到平时的教学与考试密切相...