
发布 2024-02-11 08:45:18 阅读 8472






1. he ( could couldn’t ) carry the bags.

2. my sister ( could couldn’t ) read the news*****.

3. amy ( could couldn’t ) play computer games.

4. i ( could couldn’t ) run fast.

5. daming ( could couldn’t ) ride a bike.

6. his brother ( could couldn’t ) write english.


) 1. a. goodbye b. hello c. hi d. say

) 2. a. spend b. pen c. spent d. take

) 3. a. sorry b. hungry c. hurry d. worry

) 4. a. be windy b. be hot c. rain d. be cool

) 5. a. fell b. deel c. five d. fall

) 6. a. send b. cent c. part d. want

) 7. a. fun b. sun c. funny d. sunny

) 8. a. help me b. help you c. helps d. helping


1. she wasso she couldn’t

2. he canand sendof emails.

3. -why is she

---because she is very

4. -how much is it?

---it’s twoand fifty


一、 找出类别与众不同的单词。(5分)

)1. a. went b. do c. jump d. go

) 2. a. ***** b. pen c. rice d. pencil

) 3. a. it b. his c. you d. me

) 4. a. china b. chinese c. america d. russia

) 5. a. who b. we c. what d. where


1. make(过去式)__made___2. spent(原形)__spend___反义词)__right___

4. couldn’t (完全形式)__could (宾格) _her___

6. there (同音词) _there___7. one (序数词原形 (单数10. september (缩略词。

三、 英汉互译。(10分)



6. lots of emails7. his back to

9. be interested born in


1. whatdo) you want to eat?

2. look! her booksfall) down the bookshelf.

3 my mother wants mestudy) english.

4. we were very excited, because shenzhoufly) into space.

5.—can ihelp) you? –i want two hamburgers.


) 1. i’m going to __a t-shirt.

a. wears b. wear c. put

) 2. class begins at 8:00, and it’s 8:06 now. we’re

a. sorry b. bad c. late

) 3. he goes to school __bike.

a. ride b. on c. by

) 4. helen learned __speak.

a. to b. on c. for

) 5. he was very proud __his father.

a. to b. of c. for

) 6. i will give this book __you.

a. to b. of c. for

) 7. yang liwei __into space and made a video.

a. flow b. flows c. flew

) 8. i __a book and __it to my sister.

a. bought, give b. bought, g**e c. buy, g**e

) easy to __mistakes __english.

a. make, with b. made, with c. make, in

) 10. lili is learning englishsam is learning it, too.

a. and b. but c. because


1. she goes to school at half past seven. (用yesterday改写句子)

2. the girl is sleeping. she is very tired. (用because合并句子)

3 i’m going to study english. (划线提问)

4. i can’t help you. (改为肯定句)

5. tom g**e two tickets to her. (改为同义句)


1. let’s to say goodbye to her

2. –what are you going to go to school? –by bike

3. my father g**e a computer for me

4. why is she laugh? she is happy

5. tom want to go to the supermarket yesterday


tom and charlie are talking about the year 2010.

what’s our world going to be like in the year 2010?” asks tom.

well, no one knows, but it’s interesting to guess.”

in the year 2010, everyone is going to carry a pocket computer. the computers will help people solve(解决) all kinds of problems. we are going to h**e very small telephones in our pockets, too.

then people are going to talk to their friends all over the world. perhaps we are going to live and work under the sea. people might build towns, factories and farms under the sea, too.”


六年级期中英语水平测试。一 请根据提供的 用其正确的英语表达完成句子。1 linda has a cshe plays games on it 2 there are 有 three bin my pencil box 3 tom has a e his pencils are all 全部 in ...


一 读一读,判断下列每组词画线部分读音是否相同,相同的画 不同的画 1.come some2.how now us 4.say wait five 6.gate sad walk 8.boy join back who 二 选择填空,将答案序号写入题前括号内。1.l ve 留下 a.ee b.ea2...


一 按字母表顺序写出所缺的相邻字母。10分 二 正确抄写下列句子,并在括号里写出中文意思。注意大 小写,标点符号 6分 do some shopping for her yellow coat is nicer than the blue one 三 根据中文意思写出英文单词。16分 红色的大的连衣...