
发布 2024-02-11 08:55:19 阅读 5727



1. 醒来,唤醒2. 穿上,戴上。

3. 去散步4. 看电视。

5. 做运动6. 每天早晨。

7. where do you live

8. by the way

9. i h**e to walk to school

10. in the kitchen

11. 吃午饭12.没有时间。

13. 步行去上学。

14. 在厨房里15.六点半之前。


do you usually h**e lunch___twelve?

a. inb.atc. on

) 2. don’t be late __school.

a. atb. forc. in

) 3. i don’t go to school

a. too b. eitherc. to

( )4. there’s __wrong with his clock.

a. something b. anything

) 5. _she do morning exercises every day?

a. dob. doesc. do

) 6. let’s go for __walk.

ab. ac. an

) 7. i __afraid of a dog.

a. areb. amc. is

) 8. let meok?

a. to call her b. call herc. call she

( )9. i ask my friend __with me.

a. gob. to goc. goes

( )10. -how’s eve? -she’s not __today.

a. goodb. well c. nice

) 11. my mother always __clothes for me.

a. makeb. makes c. ******

) 12. where __mr. green __from?

a. is; come b. does, come c. does; comes

( )13. –does he always come here before seven o’clock?

--no, he __

a. can’t b. isn’t c. doesn’t

) 14do you live? -i live in america.

a. when b. where c. who

) 15. _a letter for you.

a. it is b. here is c. this


宾格2. type(名词。

3. i’ll(完全形式4. h**e(第三人称单数。

5. buy(同音词6. begin(第三人称单数。

7. teach(名词8. before(反义词。

9. d0第三人称单数10. go(第三人称单数。


a: wis it ?

b : it’s twelve . it’s time lunch .

a : you always h**e at twelve ?

b : yes, i

a : what do you usunly h**e for lunch ?

b米饭) and chicken .


twelve .(对划线部分提问)

is it ?

2.can you go to the usa by plane? (作肯定回答)

yesoften h**e lunch at twelve . 改为一般疑问句)

often h**e lunch at twelve ?

4. i h**e no time to h**e lunch .(改为同义句)

ino time lunch .

5. he often goes to school at 7:00.(改为一般疑问句)

___he often __to school at 7:00 ?

六、从b栏中找出a 栏句子的正确答语,将其标号填入题前括号内。(20分)

一)a 栏b栏。

) readya:散步。

) sayingb:准备好。

) onc .古老的谚语。

) afraid ofd . 穿上,戴上。

)5h**e breakfast e . 吃早饭。


do3 watch

4 ask5 wash6take7 bark 8 carry9 cry10 start


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