
发布 2020-08-16 14:30:28 阅读 9663




)2. a. happy c. tired


) 1. fine. nine. 50kg.

) 2. elephant. b. the cat. c. the dog

) 3. angry h**e a headache. c. i feel sick.

) 4. i do. i did. did.

) 5. black. a clock. four o’clock.


today was a fun day. i___mythen i __to amy’s home in the morning. we __a story book, then we __to a park by___wesome elephants and __a___we took somewe were



⑴ stronger ⑵ excited ⑶ apples ⑷ he**ier

⑸ grapes ⑹ spring ⑺ bored ⑻ summer

⑼ ate ⑽ yellow ⑾ sang ⑿ blue





) 1. what___amy___last weekend ?

a. did, do b. do, do c. does, do

) 2. mike __his clothes everyday.

a. wash

) 3. we __h**e a football match tomorrow.

a. are going go to c. are going to

) 4. i like drawing pictures and she

a. like singing b. like to sing c. likes singing

) 5. she isthan me.

a. strong b. strongger c. stronger

) 6. _is your brother? he is 26 years old.

a. how old b. how he**y c. how tall

) 7. what did you do yesterday?

---i __shopping.

a. go

) 8. how __are you ?

---i’m 160 cm tall.

a. old

) 9. did you go skatingyour friends?

) 10. _is it ?

---it’s tuesday.

a. what day b. what colour c. what

) 11. look, they are___tv carefully.

a. watch

) 12. can you do? i cansongs.

( )13. i played __piano.

a. \ ) 14. i get up __7:oo___the morning.

a. at at b. at in in

) 15. i like to go __on sundays.

a. fishing b. to fish

) 16.-_you watch tv last night?

yes, i watched tv.

a. didb. doc. does


1. likes he listening music to

2. matter with you what’s the

3. the do you what on weekends do usually

4. you am than i taller

5. visit i’m tomorrow my going grandfather to

6.where on you go your holiday did


1. what time did you get up ??a. you’re wellcome .

2. thank you very much . b. at half past seven ..

3. what’s the 1st.

4. can you , i h**e.

you got enough money ? e. yes , i can.


1. 你想约你的朋友周末去滑冰,你可以说:(

a.let's go fishing this weekend. b.let's go hiking this weekend.

c.let's go ice-skating this weekend.

2. 当别人跟你说:may i borrow your dictionary?你回答说:(

a.ok,here you are. b.fine. c.i don't think so.

3. 当别人发生不幸的时候你可以说:(

a.not at all. b.i'm sorry to hear that. c.you're welcome.

4. 当你想问别人邮局在哪时,你应先说:(

a.i' m sorry. b.hi. c.excuse me.

5. 当有人对你说happy birthday to you!时,你应说:(

a.you too. b.the same. c.thank you.


jack and john are twins. they are good at english. they like to swim and ride bikes in their holidays.

they like to fly kites too. they often fly kites near the lake. but they not all the same .

jack likes playing football, but john likes playing ping-pong. jack likes listening to music, but jonh likes drawing pictures. they often help each other.

1. what are they good at ?(

a. english b. math c. chinese

2. what do they like to do in their holiday ?

a. play ping-pong and run.

b. swim and ride bikes.

c. swim and play basketball.

3. where do they fly kites ?

a. near the in the park. c. near the river.

likes playing football ?

a. jack b. john and john

5. do they often help each other ?

a. yes, he does. b. no, he doesn’t. c. yes, they do.




听力材料:一、1. i’m washing my clothes now .

2. i’m excited; i’m going on a big trip.

3. tom is taller than amy.

4. i went skiing last saturday.

5. you’re bigger and stronger than me.

二、1. how old are you ?

2. which animal is he**ier,the elephant or the cat ?

3. what’s the matter ?

4. did you read a book ?

5. what time is it ?


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一 教学名称 数学。二 教学内容 六年级上册内容。位置 分数乘法 分数除法 圆 百分数 统计 数学广角和数学实践活动等 三 教学目的 掌握基本数学基础,理解数学思想,通过多方面学科想结合培养学生发散性思维,以及学生对数学的兴趣,注重寓教于乐,让学生在一种和谐 欢乐的氛围中养成良好的学习习惯。四 教学...