
发布 2020-08-16 14:31:28 阅读 2067





三)根据所给单词首字母填入单词,使句子合理、通顺。(10分)1、how l___are your pants? t___are 82cm.

2、w___is the matter? my throat is s___my nose h___

3、w___did you go on your holiday? i went to xinjiang. what a___you?

4、sarah’s mother is going to buy a n___dress for her. soshe is very h___5、turn left at the cinema, then go s___四)根据首字母提示填入文中所缺单词。(10分)

my name is jack . i am a p___of grade one . i’m in no.

1 middle s___on___i get up at six o’clock . i h**e bat seven and then i go to schoolby bike . we begin our class at eight o’clock in the mwe h**e four classesin the morning and three in the afternoon .

at noon , i h**e l___at home . classes are o___at four fifteen in theafternoon . after class , we often p___football in the afternoon .

i go home atabout five .

i h**e supper at about six thirty in the evening . i do my homework at seven thirty .at wi watch tv .

i often go to bed at ten . i’m very h___五)根据上下文,写出下列句子划线部分的中文意思。(4分)1、we are going to h**e a picnic .

2、tom, please help me to answer the phone.3. according to the weather report, it will snow tomorrow.

4. tom, please help yourself.二、句型、情景表达。

35 %


)1、when do you eati eat dinner at 7:00 in the dinner

)2.——can you __the bed?——no,i can’ makeb.

) _a man and two women in the is the date today?a.whichb.whatc.how()5. there are many __in the

)6. i ate __egg and went to school with __book in / ab. an, /a()7. it’s time __get up.

a. forb. aboutc. to

)8.the 2008 olymic game was held __august, onb. inc. about()9.what’s your math teacher like?

a. i like he is very he is very young.()10. there is a bridge __the onb. overc. in

二)判断下列句子是否争取。正确的打“√”如有错漏,打"×"写出正确的句子。(4分) apple is biger than yours.

()2. lisa likes playing piano.()3.

my hobby is collect stamps.()4. do she teach english?





5. john告诉你他最近长高了不少,你想知道他现在多高,你会说:


四)连词成句。用所给的单词组成一组问答句(6分)1. want, skirt, yes, can, help, you,i,i, to, see, that

2. ok,thirty-five, we, them, they, are, yuan, take, will五)根据实际情况回答问题。(6分)

1. what does your aunt do2. where do you live新课标第一网。

三、阅读理解与书面表达。31 %


my name is sally white . i am a s___girl . my school is far from my h___everyday it t___l___time to get there .

the r___is not flat . so i cannot go to schoolby bike . i often go there by bus or on f___it takes me thirty minutes to getthere by bus and an h___on foot .

i m___get up very every morning . i h**e not___for breakfast at home . i often eat something for breakfast on the w___idon’t want to be l___for school .


there are four people in the twins’ family .they are the twins , their father and

their mother .

the twins’ names are lucy and lily . they are fourteen . they are in the same classin the no.

1 middle school . they are very good students . they not only work veryhard but also sing very well .

they want to join the music club . lucy wants to playthe piano . lily can play the guitar .

their father , mr king , is a teacher . he teches english in a school near his home .their mother , mrs king ,is a teacher ,too .

she teaches chinese . mr and mrs kingare in different schools . but they h**e the same hobby—play the guitar .

1.根据短文内容,判断正(t)误(f)。(6分)()1、the twins are very good at math.

)2、the twins not only like drawing but also like music.()3、their parents both are teachers and like playing guitar.()4、their mother teaches in a school near their

mrs. jones was a teacher. her house was not far from her school, and she oftenwalked there in the morning.

all the students in the school were very cold and windy morning in october, mrs. jones walked to school. the coldwind went into her eyes and big tears began to run out of them.

she reached theschool, opened the door and went into the classroom.

it was nice, warm there and mrs. jones was happy. but then a small boy looked ather for some time, put his arms round her and said (说):

don’t cry, mrs. isn’t very bad.”


) 1. mrs. jones was a teacher and she ususally went to school __a.

on footb. by trainc. by busd.

by bike() 2. _when she went to school one morning.

a. it was hotb. it was windy and coldc. it was sunnyd. it wassnowing.

) 3. why did big tears begin to run out of her eyes?

a. because she was very coldb. because she was very because the cold wind went into her because she was veryhappy.

) 4. the classroom was __

a. coldb. hot

三)书面表达:以our school为题,描述一下你们的学校,例如图书馆在哪,计算机室在哪,教室办公室在哪等等。(8分)



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