
发布 2023-02-13 04:55:28 阅读 9138


1. 二.词型转换(10分)


)1.--what’s this __english?--it’s an __

the oranges?--they’re orange.

color() pencil is brown __white.

color is it

---it’s___yellow. it’s __yellow box.

./,ac .an,ad./,an() a new pen.__pen is red.

.has,c .has, hed .h**e,he()6.--how old is your dad

is is is 40()7.--wha’s thata rabbit.

that” is() and lucy___good are in the same school.

is___kite.,youc my,youd .my,your()10.--your doll is very nice

isn’t you四.根据句义及首字母提示补全单词(10分) you from?

green is an english t___m___a name card.

is m cat. it’s very l___i h___you? inc__5.

7.five and seven ist__8.myn___ina.

9.i’m mary. g___to meet number?




它是什么颜色5.我们一起去动物园好吗 carefully,what’s mom has an old animals

at the long you help you六.找出相应的答语(10分。

go to .wow!cool! me is it mickey mouse?b.all right.

!i h**e a red monkey color do you like? you are.

5. a pencil-box, like blue.七.连词成句(10分)

is ,eraser ,what , has ,tail ,it , orange , i ,an , what ,this ,in , look ,h**e ,a ,may


hello! i’m tom .i h**e a new robot .

it is cool and clever ! it can sing and help me .it has twobig eyes.

its mouth is big ,too .it has no nose .its body is yellow .

it has three green hands , and ithas four black feet .i like it very much . robot is tom’s.

robot is cool ,but it isn’t clever . robot has two big ears .

robot has three black hands . robot can help tom .九.书面表达(10分)



a 用途 b原材料 c加工方法 d主要成分。7 gb7635 87属于 a国际商品目录 b国家商品目录 c部门商品目录 d企业商品目录。8 gb7635 87属于 a数字型 b字母型 c数字字母混合型 d条形码。9 报社 杂志社通过邮局发行报刊改为自办发行,这是 a增减分销渠道中的中间商。b增减某一...


蒲岐三小2013年下半年第一次月考检测。小学六年级科学。检测时间 35分钟2013.11 答题要求 书写要端正,卷面要整洁。1 填空题 15分 1 电磁铁也有南北极,电磁铁的南北极与有关。2 我们可以用等方法,来增强物体抵抗弯曲的能力。3 当阻力点到支点的距离大于用力点到支点的距离时,杠杆。4 根据...


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