
发布 2024-02-11 08:35:18 阅读 3224


1. a. east b. west d. north

2. a. cinema b. post office c. music d. library

3. a. plane b. stop d. bus

4. right home left straight

5. light light light light



on (反义词)__单三形式)__复数形式)







1)go to school___2) by subway___3)traffic rules __

4)science museum __5)read a magazine6)下周 __


10)左转 __11.十字路口___12)在那边___13)在。的前面。





)1. -how are you, mike? how do you go to school?

i go to school __

a. by plane b. on foot c. by train

)2.--stop at a

a. yellow lightb. red light c. green light

)3.--what's the wether like today? -it’s __

a. sadb. sunnyc. sun

)4.--where is the science museumit’s

a. next to the cinema b. not far c. library

)5.--there are always___traffic lights in every country.

a. two b. threec. four

)6. the traffic lights are the in every country.

a. some b. different c. same d. difficult

)7. usually i go to work by busit’s fast.

a. because b. when c. do d. does

)8. red lightstop.

a. mean b. is c. means d. are

)9. let’sto school together.

a. goes b. go c. going d. to go

( )10. see you2 o’clock.

a. inb. to cd. at

( )11. whereyour home ?

b. am c. are d. be

( )12. please come to mybirthday party at 6pm .

b. twelfth c. twelveth d. twelvth

( )13. turn left the cinema , then go straight . it’s on the left.

a. at b. on c. in d. at

四、连词成句。 (1分)

1)the , remember , rules ,traffic

(2)can ,i ,to ,get, library ,the ,how

(3)where, the, cinema, is

(4)i going to am the great wall

5)when,are ,you,going


people’s park is in front of the bank.( 对划线部分提问)

the people’s park.

children often go to the great wall by car. (对划线部分提问)

the children oftenthe great wall?

you go to canada by plane?(做否定回答。

do you go to school?(根据实际情况回答问题。

5. 我坐火车去北京。(补充完整)i go to beijing

can go by bus.(变为一般疑问句。

go to school on foot. (对划线部分提问。

8. do you know the traffic rules ? 否定回答。

9..the post office is near the library.(对划线部分提问)

are some books on the desk.(变为一般疑问句。

八、阅读理解,对的在括号内写t, 错的在括号内f.(每空2分,共10分)

today is sunday. it’s seven thirty in the morning. it’s fine.

kate and her parents are going to the great wall. kate’s father is a doctor. her mother is a teacher.

now they’re getting on a big bus. there are twenty-two people in it. some are english, and some are american and japanese.

they look very happy. they’re going to the great wall, are four chinese on the bus. a young woman, she’s a driver.

a young man, he’s a guide. my father and i are going to the great wall, too.

) a fine sunday morning.

) father and mother are teachers.

) are twenty-two people in the bus.


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