
发布 2020-08-11 03:01:28 阅读 4272


)llect2. h( )bby

)und) eat6. ra( )e __7. spec( )al __

)t9. bic( )cle


复数 (反义词动名词 (宾格所属国家)__


1. many __child, children) like playing with snow.

3there, their ) are some pens.

4. i can’t __sea, see ) the trees.

5. this year she isfour, for ) years old.

6. the student isreading, reads ) the book.

7.--can you tell___me/we)more about american festivals?

8.--excuse __me/mine).is this your bag?

---yes,it is.

say ‘thank you’ for __our /we)food, family and friends.

10.__we/our) always h**e a special meal.


a. has got b.h**e got c.there are d.there is

)1some beautiful squares in dalian .

)2a book and a pen on her desk .

)3. they __a lovely dog.

)4. she __some photos.

)5. the desk __four legs


me the east of china __

west lake __

5.我的中国笔友 __6.去唐人街。

7. 6700公里8.一封来自你妈妈的信___

9. 发一封电子邮件10. 元宵节。

11. 思念中国12. the tian’an men square

13.成为我的笔友14. by bike

15. 在加拿大的唐人街。

四.连词成句,pen, friend, can ,my, chinese ,be ,tell, can ,about me, festivals, american ,more

some, from, canada, stamps, these

lots there, chinese, of, restaurant

it, long, how


dragon boat festival元宵节。

lantern festival端午节。


sping festival中秋节。

mid-autumn festival春节。


)1.--where is beijing ? it’s in the __of china.

a. north b. south c. west

)2. —does daming like pears?

a. yes, he likes. b. yes, he does. c. yes, she does.

)3. we are china.

a. from b. to c. at

) arehere.

a. a catb. many trees

)5. can you __english.

)6a big map of china

a .how b. where c. what

) is the great wall. it’s long and __

c. small

) arechinese shops in chinatown

a. lots of lot c. a bit

) aren’t __computers in the lab.

c. much

)10he can play___violin

a. a b. the c. 不填。


___visit ) america now .

2tell ) me more about the great wall .

and japanbe ) in the east and mexico___

( be )in the south.

4. do youmiss ) your china ? sometimes.

5. we __go) to chinatown tomorrow

6. theycollect ) lots of great stamps last year .

7. girls likedance ) and___play ) football .

8. let’sgo ) to chinatown now .

got five orange .

canplay) football.


) t-shirt is ita . he went to london

) you play football yesterdayb. no .we didn’t

) did sam goc. it’s lingling’s

) did you wants to wear my coat

) the saw some big mountais


i am a chinese boy. my name is zhang jia . i’m a primary student.

i h**e a good friend in school. he is shi jie. we are in the same class.

my birthday is in october. his birthday is in october, too. miss zhang is our english teacher.

we like her and she likes us.


1. i am a primary student.

2. my good friend is li lingling.

3. zhang jia and shi jie are in the same class.

4. miss zhang is our chinese teacher.

) 5. zhang jie is a chinese girl.

十。写作。以my f**ourite festival为题写写自己喜欢的节日(不少于5句话)



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