
发布 2020-08-11 06:18:28 阅读 5336



一、 look and tick or cross (读一读,画线字母的发音一致的打v,不一致的打x。每小题1分,计5分)

eat ( 2. like bike ( 3. cat car (

4. bus fruit ( 5. stop how (




5、到达6、visit my grandparents

7、my twelfth birthday

8、in front of the library

9、turn left 10、read a magazine


) how do you go to beijing?a. yes, i’m going to pingyao.

) what are you going to do this afternoon? b. tomorrow.

)where is the cinema? c. by plane.

) when are you going?d. it’s next to the hospital.

) are you going to take a trip?e. i’m going to play football.

四、单项选择 (每小题2分,计20分)

( )1.— how do you go to canada?

— i go

a. by the planeb. on the plane c. by planed. on plane

) 2is there a cinema near here?

a. excuse meb. sorryc. thank youd. excuse

) 3. how can izhong shan park?

a. get offb. get toc. getd. get on

) 4.— thank you very much.

a. okb. don't thank mec. you're welcomed. yes

( )5do you go to school? -on foot.

a. howb. whatc. whered. who

)6, red means __

a. go b. wait c. stop

)7.__is the cinema, please?

a. where b. what c. when

) hospital is __the left.

a. for b. inc. on

) straight three minutes.

a. at b. for c. in

)10. where are you

a. going to b. going c. going to do


a. what are you going to buy?

b. where are you going this evening?

c. can i go with youd. is it far?

e. when are you going thereh. how can you get there?

ab: i am going to the fruit stand this evening.

ab: i am going to buy some grapes.

ab: yes, it’s far. the fruit stand is next to the pet shop.

ab: i can get there by the no.112 bus. then get off at the pet shop.

a: i want to buy a big watermelon

b: sure. let’s go together.

a: thank you.

六、look and choose(读短文,根据短文意思选择正确答案,把序号填在前面的括号内。每个2分,共10分)

mike: hi, lisa, what are you going to do

lisa: i’m going to a park.

mikeis the park?

lisa: it’s next to the hospital.

mikedo you go to the park?

lisai go there by

mike: i want to go with you.

lisa: ok!


1. do, how, to, you, go, school

2. foot , i, to, usually, school, go, on

3. a, at, light, stop, red

4. are .three. in. country. there. lights. every .traffic

5. get .hospital .how .i .to .the. can


tom: excuse me, sir. is there a bookstore near here?

policeman: no, there isn’t. but there is a bookstore next to the post office.

tom: where is the post office, please?

policeman: it’s west of the hospital.

tom: is it far from here?

policeman: yes.

tom: how can i get there?

policeman: first, take the no.16 bus at the bus stop.

get off at the hospital. then, cross(穿过) the street. you’ll see the post office.

tom: thank you.

policeman: you’re welcome.

) 1 there is a bookstore near here.

) 2 the post office is next to the bookstore.

) 3 the post office is west of the hospital.

) 4 tom walks to the bookstore.

) 5 tom asks a policeman for help.

九、阅读理解。 (每小题2分, 共10分)


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