
发布 2024-02-09 14:40:06 阅读 4095



1、一般的,直接+ _2、以e结尾的,直接+ 。3以辅音字母+y结尾的,

4、重读闭音节, 。5、多音节单词,在前面+ 。


sarah is 12 years (old, older). she is one year (older, oldest) than me. but i am 0.

1 meter (taller, tallest) than her. she studies in googol international school. she studies (harder, hardest) in her class.

everyone likes her.

yesterday she was ill. she took some medicine and feels (well, better) now.

三、用所给词的正确形式填空。(7分) x k b 1 . c o

1. my hair is (long) than yours.

2. the moon is (small) than the sun.

3. -how (he**y) is your box? -70kg.

it’s (he**y) than (i).

4. sperm wale can (dive) into the deep (cold) water.

5. which isbig) ,the pig or the mouse?


) 1. a monkey’s tail is than a rabbit’s tail.

) 2. an elephant is than a dog.

) 3. tianjin is than shanghai.

( )4. a giraffe is than a deer.

a. bigger b. longer c. taller d. smaller e. shorter

) 5. how are you? a. he**y b. he**ier c. he**yer

) 6. a sperm whale is longer than a killer whale its length. a. for b. at c. in

) 7. the yellow monkey is taller than the brown . a. it b. one c. two

) 8. my computer is , but yours is old. a. new b. newer c. older


1. the hen is 1.5 kg. the duck is 2 kg. the duck is than the hen.

2. the changjiang river is than the yellow river.

3. line up from younger to .

4. she is than me. 她比我大2岁。

5. than you? 谁比你强壮?

六、补全对话。(用所给出的句子把对话补充完整, 把编号填在横线上。)(5分)

sarah: hi, mary. ?mary: i’m fine, thank you.

sarah: ?mary: i’m 156cm tall. and you?

sarah: .i’m 3cm shorter than you. mary: ?

sarah: i’m 45kg. i’m he**ier than you.

mary: oh! it’s time to go home now.


sarah: .

a. how are you? b. how tall are you? c. i’m 153cm tall.

d. see you. e. how he**y are you? f. how old are you?

g. are you taller than your brother?


1. doctor: ?mike: i’m 145cm tall

2. sarah: ?mary: zhang peng is taller than john. x| k |b| 1 . c| o |m

3. mr white: ?john: my father is 68kg.

4. wu yifan: ?chen jie: no, the yellow pencil is longer than the green one.

5. tom: ?liu yun: yes, i’m shorter than my brother.

八、 read and make sentences. 连词成句10

1、 shorter , you , me , than , are (.

2、 are, how , tall , you(?)

3、 how, are, you, old(?)longer , pencil , is , than , yours(.)

5. hands , are ,bigger ,yours ,than ,my(.)

九(一)、read and choose . 选词填空。5

1. you arestrong/stronger)than your brother.

2. a dog isshorter/stronger)than a giraffe.

man isyounger/older)than the boy.

4. i’m 145cmtaller/tall).

istall/taller)than mike.

九(二)、 read and fill.读句子,填上所缺的单词。10

1、i’m 12 years old. you are you.

2、i’m 160cm tall. you are are __than me.

3、i’m taller than you, so you are __than me.

4、you are 163cm tall. i’m __taller than me.

5、you are 10years old . i’m 12 .i’m __years older than you.

145 cm

43 kg. you’re you.

watermelon isthan the orange.

jie’s hair isthan mike’s hair.

rabbit’s tail isthan the monkey’s. x|k | b | 1 . c |o |m

十read and choose。读一读,选择最佳答案。5

1、the monkey has a __tail. a. longer b. tall c. long

2、the brown monkey is __than the yellow one. a .strong b. stronger c. funny

3、my ruler isthan your ruler. a. short b .taller c .longer

4、bob is __strongest in his class. a .a b. the c./

5、the tree is 3.5 __a、centimeter b、meter c、meters

6、miss zhang is younger __alice . a. than b. then c. and

7、i think our city is___beautiful than yours. a. many b. much

am __1.83读作)tall. a.

one point eighty three b. one eight three c. one point eight three

is __a. his b. her c. my

gets __and___a. hoter ,hoter b. hotter,hotter c. hot ,hotter


1i’m 155 cm..

2i’m 13 years old.


4i wear size17.

5my hair is 30 cm long.

十。二、判断对错t/f。(10分) x k b 1 . c o

one of mike’s feet is bigger than the other. he can’t find the right shoes for his feet. his friend, dick says to him.

“why not go to the shoemaker(鞋匠) ?a good shoemaker can make you the right shoes.” so mike go to the shoemaker near dick’s home.

very soon the shoemaker makes him a pair of shoes. mike looks at the shoes and isn’t happy. so he says to the shoemaker, “you aren’t a good shoemaker.

i want you to make one shoe bigger than the other. but you make one shoe smaller than the other..”

) 1. one of mike’s feet is smaller than the other. (2. dick is a shoemaker.

) 3. he always finds right for his feet. (4. mike is pleased (满意) with the shoes.

) 5. mike asks (要求) the shoemaker to make him a pair of shoes.


邹城市第二实验小学。2012 2013学年度第二学期六年级英语第一单元测试题。一 写出下列各词的比较级形式。二 按要求写单词。复数 宾格 反义词 反义词 缩写 6.thin 比较级。7.与 相比较 英语形式 原级 汉语意思 缩写 三 比较各题的两幅 和提示,填上合适的单词,使句子完整。1 i amt...


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来安小学六年级英语测试卷 一 翻译词组。10分 1.去散步2.one day 3.和 一样高4.the only child 5.在 方面做得好 to school 7.跳得高8.do more exercise 9.善于10.play ball games 二 按要求写单词 10分 反义词比较级。...