
发布 2024-01-31 04:10:10 阅读 3294


unit 1 how do you go there?

1. 话题:询问和回答人们日常出行的方式以及常用的交通规则。

2. 语音:能够了解辅音/p/,/b/,/t/,/d/与元音/i:/,i/的发音规则,并能读出相关例词。

3. 单词及短语:

by, foot, bike, bus, train, plane, ship, subway, how, go to school, then, traffic, traffic light, traffic rule, stop, wait, get to, always, know, drive on the left/ right side

4. 重点句型:

how do you go to school? usually i go to school on foot. sometimes i go by bike.

stop at a red light. wait at a yellow light. go at a green light.

how can i get to zhongshan park? you can go by the no.15 bus.

unit 2 where is the science museum?

1. 话题:问路及指点方向。

2. 语音: 能够了解辅音/k/,/g/,/f/,/v/,/s/,/z/与元音/e /,的发音规则,并能读出相关例词。

3. 单词及短语:

library, post office, hospital, cinema, bookstore, science museum, excuse me, where, please, next to want ,a pair of, minute, north, south, east, west, turn, right, left, straight, then, tell, take

4. 重点句型:

where is the cinema, please? it’s next to the hospital.

is it far from here? no, it’s not far.

turn left at the cinema, then go straight. it’s on the left.

unit 3 what are you going to do?

1. 话题:询问并回答未来几天或周末的活动安排。

2. 语音:能够了解辅音m/,/n/,/与元音/ /的发音规则,并能读出相关例词。

3. 单词及短语:

next week, this morning, this afternoon, this evening, tonight, tomorrow, take a trip, read a magazine, go to the cinema, comic book, post card, news*****, magazine, dictionary, shoe store, buy

4. 重点句型:

what are you going to do on the weekend?

i’m going to visit my grandparents this weekend.

i’m going to the cinema.

where are you going this afternoon? i’m going to the bookstore.

what are you going to buy? i am going to buy a comic book.

when are you going? i am going at 3 o’ clock.

what/ where/ when is sb. going…?

unit 4 i h**e a pen pal

1. 话题:业务爱好及日常生活。

2. 语音:能够了解辅音l/,/r/与元音的发音规则,并能读出相关例词。

3. 单词及短语:

hobby, ride a bike (riding a bike), dive(diving), play the violin(playing the violin), make kites(****** kites), collect stamps(collecting stamps), look, fun, with, live (lives), teach (teaches), go (goes), watch (watches), read (reads), does, doesn’t = does not

4. 重点句型:

what is your hobby? i like collecting stamps.

what is her/ his hobby? she/ he likes collecting stamps.

does your pen pal live in shanghai? no, he doesn’t. he lives in beijing.

does she teach english? yes, she does. /no, she doesn’t.

unit 5 what does she do?

1. 话题:职业。

2. 语音:能够了解辅音/w/,/j/,/h/,/t /,d /与元音的发音规则,并能读出相关例词。

3. 单词及短语:

singer, writer, actor, actress, artist, tv reporter, show, engineer, accountant, policeman, salesperson, cleaner, where, work

4. 重点句型:

what does she/ he do? she/ he is a/an …

what are you going to be? i am going to be …

where does she work? she works in a car company.

how does she go to work? she goes to work by bus.

who works in a car factory? wang li.

unit 6 the story of rain

1. 话题:水循环及植物种植过程。

2. 语音:能够了解辅音/ts/, dz/, tr/, dr /与元音的发音规则,并能读出相关例词。

3. 单词及短语:

rain, cloud, vapour, sun, stream, come from, again, seed, soil, sprout, plant, should, then,4. 重点句型:

where does the rain come from? it comes from the clouds.

how do you do that? first, put the seeds in the soil. then, …

what should you do then? water them…


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