
发布 2024-01-26 06:05:02 阅读 4306





描述旅行计划要用将来时,最重要的结构:begoing to do/will do.而且全篇涉及到去哪玩都要用将来时表达。同时需要注意根据人称改变be的形式。


1.以“last sunday/weekend”为题目,写一篇短文。

last sundayhi, i am tom. last sunday, i went to the park with cotton candy. we had a picnic in the park.

we werehappy.2.以“a busy day”为题目,写一篇短文。

a busy dayhi, i am tom. i had a busy day yesterday. first, i had funwith my friends.

we played basketball on the my mother cook dinner. what a busy day!3.

请围绕去年寒假/暑假写一篇短文(lastwinter/summer holiday)

last winter holidayhi, with my mother. we went to guangzhou bybus. the weather in guangzhou was sunny and hot.

thefood in guangzhou was yucky. we took a lot of photos inguangzhou. i like guangzhou.

lucky day(请描述自己幸运的一天)a lucky dayhi,iam lucky day with friends. next,i played computer games. i after that, i got a nice gift from my mother.

whata lucky day!5.请写一写你会做或不会做的家务。

hi, i am tom. i am a students. i am going to help myparents do housework.

i can wash my clothes. i can turnoff the tv. i can help my mom cook dinner.

i can 以“being helpful“为题,写一些你能做的家务活,不少于8个句子。

being helpful

hello, i am tony. i am 12 years old. i am helpful at can do many things by myself.

i can hang up my clothes. ican put away my books. i can wash the dishes after lunch.

ican take out the trash. i can help my mother cook dinner. ican clean up the room, too.

i am helpful. what about you?


my summer holidayhi, i am tom. summer holiday is coming. i am going toguangzhou with my friends.

we are going there by we are going to the park. next, we are going to seea movie. after that, we are going to the zoo.

i am goingto h**e a good summer holiday.


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