
发布 2024-01-26 06:05:02 阅读 5556

tom’s(my) holiday(汤姆或我的假期)过去式 tom (i)went to beijing by plane on his( my) holiday. every day he(i) had fun with his( my) parents. they(we) went to the nature park.

they(we) saw elephants. they(we) went swimming. they (we) ate lots of delicious food.

they (we) also took many beautiful pictures. they(we) will come back home tomorrow. they (we) had a good time..

zoom’s(my) weekend (zoom或我的周末)过去式 zoom (i)had a busy weekend. on saturday morning, he(i) washed his( my) clothes and went to a park. he(i) did his( my) homework and went fishing on saturday afternoon.

on sunday morning, he(i) cleaned his( my) room and visited his( my) grandparents. he (i)played football and watch tv on sunday afternoon. zoom(i) was too tired( 累).

what about you ?

以my weekend 为题,你平时周末在家都干些什么 (一般现在时)

on weekends , i usually play with my friends. in the morning, we always play sports and do homework. then we watch tv or h**e a big dinner at home .

sometimes we go shopping or go hiking. sometimes we read books in the library.

my weekend读读下周末你和朋友的计划(一般将来时)i’m going to h**e a busy weekend with my friends. on saturday morning,we are going to go shopping. on saturday afternoon, we are going to the park.

on sunday morning,we are going to go fishing. on sunday afternoon,we are goingto climb mountains. we will be happy.

my hobbies说说你和你家人的爱好。 i like flying kites. my father likes drawing.

my mother likes playing the violin. my brother likes reading a book. my sister likes listening to music.

my new english teacher我的英语老师 i h**e a new english teacher. her name is su yuan. she is very young and funny.

she is short and active. she likes english and music. i like her very much.

my f**ourite season( 我最喜欢的季节)

there are four seasons in a year. they’re spring, summer, fall and winter. i like fall best.

the sky is very blue and high. the weather is sunny and cool. it’s always windy.

we can go to fly kites. there are many fruits in fall. fall is a good season.

假如现在是星期天的中午,根据**,用英语介绍你的家庭成员正在干什么。 (正在进行时)

it’s sunday noon. my mom (mother) is cooking lunch in the kitchen. my dad (father) is writing an e-mail in the study.

my sister is drawing pictures. my brother is doing homework. what about me?

i am watching tv in the living room. we’re busy.(we’re happy.

)my hobbies 我的爱好。

i h**e many hobbies. i like reading books, i h**e many books. usually i read storybooks, sometimes i read magazines.

i like swimming,too. so i usually go swimming on sundays afternoon. i think it is good for my healthy( 身体)。

what are your hobbies? can you tell me ?

my family 我的家人。

there are three people in my family .there are my father ,my mother and father is tall and strong . he is a teacher.

he likes playing mother is very has a long black hair. she is a likes reading am a am thin and short. i like playing computer games and reading books .

this is my family.

tom’s(my) holiday(汤姆或我的假期)过去式 tom (i)went to beijing by plane on his( my) holiday. every day he(i) had fun with his( my) parents. they(we) went to the nature park.

they(we) saw elephants. they(we) went swimming. they (we) ate lots of delicious food.

they (we) also took many beautiful pictures. they(we) will come back home tomorrow. they (we) had a good time..

zoom’s(my) weekend (zoom或我的周末)过去式 zoom (i)had a busy weekend. on saturday morning, he(i) washed his( my) clothes and went to a park. he(i) did his( my) homework and went fishing on saturday afternoon.

on sunday morning, he(i) cleaned his( my) room and visited his( my) grandparents. he (i)played football and watch tv on sunday afternoon. zoom(i) was too tired( 累).

what about you ?

以my weekend 为题,你平时周末在家都干些什么 (一般现在时)

on weekends , i usually play with my friends. in the morning, we always play sports and do homework. then we watch tv or h**e a big dinner at home .

sometimes we go shopping or go hiking. sometimes we read books in the library.

my weekend读读下周末你和朋友的计划(一般将来时)i’m going to h**e a busy weekend with my friends. on saturday morning,we are going to go shopping. on saturday afternoon, we are going to the park.

on sunday morning,we are going to go fishing. on sunday afternoon,we are goingto climb mountains. we will be happy.

my hobbies说说你和你家人的爱好。 i like flying kites. my father likes drawing.

my mother likes playing the violin. my brother likes reading a book. my sister likes listening to music.

my new english teacher我的英语老师 i h**e a new english teacher. her name is su yuan. she is very young and funny.

she is short and active. she likes english and music. i like her very much.

my f**ourite season( 我最喜欢的季节)

there are four seasons in a year. they’re spring, summer, fall and winter. i like fall best.

the sky is very blue and high. the weather is sunny and cool. it’s always windy.

we can go to fly kites. there are many fruits in fall. fall is a good season.


姓名班级。一 时态。一 一般现在时态。一般现在时态表示包括现在时间在内的一段时间内经常发生的动作或存在的状态,表示习惯性或客观存在的事实和真理。常与often always usually sometimes every day等连用。基本句型分为两种情况 主语 非第三人称 动词原形 其他。例句 w...


基础部分 一 形容词 副词的比较级。知识梳理 1 形容词和副词的区别 形容词作定语时放在被修饰名词前,做表语时放在系动词的后面。副词在句中作状语时,一般放在所修饰的动词的后面。2 形容词和副词的比较级的构成。1 一般情况下,在词尾加er,如 short shorter,low lower。2 末尾以...


一 不规则动词过去式 am,is was are were buy bought can could come came clean cleaned eat ate do did draw drew drink drank feel felt fly flew give g e get got go...