
发布 2023-12-11 14:05:05 阅读 5981


命题人(签字审题人(签字2024年 12月 30日。


western blot;

polymerase chain reaction;




1. you h**e two bacteria strains of j1 and d2. j1 is an ampicillin resistant stain while the d2 is an ampicillin sensitive one.

what experiments you h**e to do to identify if the antibiotic-resistant gene located on the plasmid? 假设实验室有两株菌j1和d2,其中j1是具有氨苄抗性,而d2为无氨苄抗性菌株。请设计相关实验流程,证明氨苄抗性基因位于对应的菌株质粒中。

2. 如下图所示,现有一模板为300bp的一段dna序列,以及在此序列3’端有一30bp互补的引物:

30 bp

3'-tagcgctcgatc … 5'


a). 全部四种dntps (datp, dctp, dttp, dgtp);

b). 全部四种 (datp, dctp, dttp, dgtp) 和 ddgtp;

c). 只有三种dntps (dgtp, datp, dctp) 和 ddttp。

3. 简述哺乳动物细胞培养的日常操作项目及重要细节。

4. 简述荧光双向差异凝胶电泳(2d-dige)与经典双向电泳(2-de)技术的主要区别。

5. 根据以下实验结果写一个摘要,包括:目的、方法、结果和结论(200-)

figure 1. pc-6 cells were treated with 5-aza-dc. rt-pcr products are indicated for bcrp (top) and for the human b-actin gene (actb) (middle).

relative bcrp mrna expression was evaluated as the bcrp/actb ratio by using semi-quantitative rt-pcr (bottom).

figure 2. correlation between promoter methylation of the breast cancer resistance protein gene (bcrp) and bcrp mrna expression in several lung cancer cell lines. m indicates pcr products using an methylation-specific polymerase chain reaction (msp) primer pair, and u indicates pcr products using an unmethylation-specific pcr primer pair.

pcr products by msp are indicated for msp (top). reverse transcriptase (rt)-pcr products are indicated for bcrp mrna and human β-actin gene (actb) mrna (middle). relative bcrp mrna expression in each cell was evaluated as the bcrp/actb ratio (bottom).

nci indicates other unselected, human, nonsmall cell lung cancer cell lines.






a: rnai effects of different mutants of cadherin(cdh1,钙粘附素)sirna on on cdh1 expression;b: rnai effects of different stem-loops on cdh1 expression (the results are indicated by western blots)

参***:a图说明构建到载体中的sirna是不同的突变体,结果表明cdh1-sirna和psuper-cdh1-b对cdh1的干扰效果最好,而mut-9 和mut-2几乎没有干扰作用;b图说明cdh1-sirna和psuper-cdh1-b对cdh1的干扰效果最好,而a和c的环的影响他们的干扰效果较差。

阅读下列材料,对结果进行解释 (15分) 。该文作者在进行这一实验之前已通过酵母双杂交技术用14-3-3蛋白从胰岛素处理了的老鼠肝细胞的表达文库中调取获得了irs-2蛋白,请你试想其实验过程并对其实验基本过程进行描述(10分)。

igf-1 stimulation leads to interaction of irs-2 (一种胰岛素受体基质) and 14-3-3 as has been shown by ogihara et al. and dubois et al.. it is known that the majority of interactions between 14-3-3 proteins and their partners are dependent on phosphorylation of serine/threonine residues within discrete motifs.

in a first experiment the interaction between irs-2 and 14-3-3 was verified in hek293 cells transiently expressing gfp-irs2. immunoprecipitation of endogenous 14-3-3 also pulled down irs-2 as indicated by western blot ([

to evaluate the physiological importance of 14-3-3 binding to irs-2 we tested if the overlay assay could show 14-3-3 binding to irs-2 in mouse liver after an acute insulin (胰岛素) stimulus ([


电子科技大学研究生试卷。考试时间 至 共 2 小时 课程名称图论及其应用教师学时 60 学分 教学方式讲授考核日期 2011 年 月 日成绩 考核方式学生填写 一 填空题 每空1分,共22分 1 若n阶单图g的最小度是,则其补图的最大度 2 若图,则它们的积图的顶点数 边数 3 设是图的推广邻接矩阵...


电子科技大学研究生试卷。考试时间 至 共 2 小时 课程名称图论及其应用教师学时 60 学分 教学方式讲授考核日期 2012 年 月 日成绩 考核方式学生填写 一 填空题 填表题每空1分,其余每题2分,共30分 1 阶正则图g的边数 2 3个顶点的不同构的简单图共有个 3 边数为的简单图的不同生成子...


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