
发布 2023-12-06 20:44:23 阅读 3336


预备教材unit4 试卷)



一。 词汇及短语。

a) 根据句意及汉语提示,拼写单词。

1. there are two黑板)in my classroom.

2. close the窗户),please!

3. —don’t be late再次,又). sorry, i won’t.

4. —what is fifteen and five?


5. i can see two new图画) on the desk.


6. there are three bigbox)here.

7. can you see theteacher)desk?

8close)the door, please!

9. this iswe)art classroom. it’s very beautiful.

10. therebe)a teacher and thirteen students in the room.

c) 短语英汉互译。

11. 上学12. be late for

13. 打开盒子14. in the art room

15. 五辆公共汽车16. on the wall

17. 在讲台上18. clean the window

19. 在椅子后面20. eighteen desks

二。 单项选择,选择正确答案。

)1. lin tao ischinese and jim isamerican boy.

a. /ab. /anc. an

)2. ia baga new bag on the desk.

a. am; there is b. h**e; there is c. has; there is

)3. there is a picturethe wall.

a. onb. underc. in

)4. —sit down. please

a. ok b. you’re rightc. thank you

)5. there isart class today.

a. theb. anc. a

)6. don’tlate.

a. isb. arec. be

)7. there are sixin my classroom.

a. deskb. windows c. chair

)8the floor, there are two rubbers.

a. onb. inc. behind

)9. lucy and lily arestudents.

a. two new b. tooc. new two

)10. —are there two pictures on the desk? —yes

a. there is b. there are c. there aren’t

三。 按要求句型转换,每空一词。

1. the boy is twelve.(对画线部分提问)

is the boy?

2. my grandfather is fine.(同上)


3. don’t look at the boy.(改为肯定句)

the boy.

4. i h**e two books in my bag. (同义句)

two books in my bag.

5. my aunt is a nurse. (对画线部分提问)

your aunt?

四。 汉译英,每空一词。

1. 我有4块橡皮和5枝铅笔。

i h**eand

2. 在桌上有20本新的英语书。

on the desk.

3. 请不要关门。



—18个。—how manyin your class?

5. 下课了,起立。class is overplease.

五。 口语交际。


a: look! this is a photo of my classroom.

b: let me see. it’s big and clean. 11

a: there are fifty. twenty-five boys and twenty-five girls.

b: 12

a: twenty-five.

b: what’s this near the blackboard?

a: 13

b: who is he

a: 14

b: where are you?

a: 15

六。 完形填空。

this is mike’s classroom. there are 30 1 . there is a clock 2 the wall.

3 clock is very old. there are 4 students: eighteen boys and 5 girls.

6 is their teacher. she is a good teacher.

it’s about 4 o’clock. it’s time 7 home. look 8 here!

mike is near the 9 . he is cleaning 10 .

) 1. a. desk and chair b. desks and chairs c. desks and chair d. desk and chairs

) 2. a. onb. inc. atd. of

) 3. a. ab. anc. thed. /

) 4. a. thirtyb. fortyc. seventy d. fifty

) 5. a. twelve b. thirteen c. forty-two d. thirty-two

) 6. a. mr wang b. miss wang c. teacher wang d. wang teacher

) gob. to goc. goesd. going

) 8. a. atb. inc. tod. /

) 9. a. doorb. brooms c. schoold. flowers

) 10. a. itb. themc. thatd. those

七。 根据短文内容,判断正(t)误(f)。

there are eighteen boys and twenty-five girls in our class. one of the boys is english. his name is tom.

he is thirteen. two of the girls are american. they are twins.

their names are jane and joan. they are twelve. they are my friends.

all of the other boys and girls are young pioneers. we all chinese students like the english boy and the american girls, and they like us, too. we help each other.


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