七年级英语国庆节作业 二

发布 2023-12-07 00:49:24 阅读 8162



)1. –what’s this? –it’s___orange. a. /b. a c. an d. the

)2. mummy friend jane. a. this’s b. it is c. this is d. he is

)3. is that youra. a ruler b. pencil c. keys d. books

( )4. –is the jacket? –it’s green.

a. where c. what’s d. what color

) 5. _name is kate.__is a teacher.

a. her, she b. he’s, he she d. he, his

)6. –where __my penson the table.

a. is, it’s b. is, its they’re d. are, it’s

) 7. –are these your rulers? –yes

a. these are b. it is c. they are d. they aren’t

) 8. –is this your ruler? –yes, it’s __

a. my b. mine c. hers d. his.

)9. the computer is in myroom.

a. uncle b. sister’ c. brother’s d. cousin

)10your father? –no, he is my uncle.

b. is he c. what's d. is she

)11. jack brown is a boy. jack is his

a. first name b. last name c. family name d. full name

)12. —are you inyes, i am .

a. class one b. class one c. class one d. class one

)13. —is this___english car ? no, it’s___japanese car.

a. a; a b. a; an c. an; an d. an; a

)14. —is your mother a nurse or a doctor

a. yes, she’s a nurse. b.

no, she’ a doctor. c. no, she isn’t.

d. she is a doctor.

)15.— are those___shoes? -no ,they’re not

a. your ;my b. your; mine c. yours; my d. yours; mine


1. what's you***ther)f**orite sport?

2. running and swimming___be)my f**orites.

3. _she___like)math? 4. jack___not want)any pens.

5. i like music because it's___relax).

6. i think scott___play)tennis every day.

7. why___they___like)art? 8. let's___join)their club.

9. _china)is my f**orite subject.

10. they like___play)the guitar.

11. we are in the music club. tomthe piano.

michael and dianathe violin. ithe guitar. (play)

12. there are sometomato)in the basket.

13. do you like frenchfry)?

14. sheh**e)ice cream for dessert.

15health)food is important.

16. shedo not)play sports.

17your motherwatch)tv every day?

18. the little girl likesstrawberry)a lot.

19. lots of children likeplay)football.

20. chickenbe)very delicious.


1. 她姓什么? isname?

2. 他是你的弟弟吗?不,他是我的朋友。

is your ? no, hemy friend.

3. 失物招领柜里的那个包是你的吗?

is that your in the and case.

4. 感谢你的全家福your

5. 那些是我的钥匙。those my .

6. 我的棒球在**? my

7. 请把这些东西带给你的妹妹。 please these things your sister.


9、祝你们一天玩的开心a __day!

10、你可以找他要那本字典。 you canthe

11. 我的弟弟有5个足球has

12. 这是我的全家福is aof my family.

13. tom 姓什么tom’sname?

14. linda, 你妈妈好吗your mother, linda?

15. 我的朋友在中国。 my friend is


1. her father is fine. her mother is fine. (合并句子) herfine.

2. these are oranges.(改为单数is __orange.

3. how is he? (改复数) how

4. his name is jim (划线部分提问name?

5. he is jack. (一般疑问句jack?

are my friends.(改为单数形式my __

tom your brother?(作否定回答)no , he __

are my baseballs.(改为否定句my baseballs.

9. the pencil is on the desk. (对画线部分提问the pencil?

10. this is his backpack. (改为一般疑问句his backpack?


jane is from canada. she is __years old. now she is in ren’ai international school.

she is in __4, grade 7. her___number is (010)9267-6929.


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