六年级英语上册国庆作业 二单元

发布 2023-12-07 00:44:24 阅读 8135


traffic rules2. bus

b. traffic lightsb. no 40 bus

( )3. a. by train4.

a. wait at a yellow light ,b. by subwayb.

stop at a red light .

( )5. a. by bike b. by ship


)1apple b. hamburger c. watermelon d. banana

)2a. light b. shipc. subway d. plane

)3a. red b. yellow c. greend. rules

)4a. pen b. pencil c. traind. ruler

)5a. hangzhou b. shanghai c. beijing d. by bike


)1usually i go to school on foot .

a. 我经常步行去上学. b我通常步行去上学.

)2. how can i get to jiufeng park ?

a. 我怎样九峰公园? b. 你怎样去九峰公园?

)3. it’s a green light. let’s go .

a. 绿灯了,我们走吧。 b. 黄灯了,让我们等一等吧。


a. i go to shanghai by ship . b. i go to shanghai by plane .

)5. 红灯停。

a. stop at a red lightb. wait at a yellow light .

) can go thereit’s far from here .

a. on foot b. by bus

( )7do you go to australia?

i go by plane .

a. whatb. how

( )8is the library ?

it’s near the post office .

a. whatb. where

9. we must __the traffic rules .

a. remember b. look at

10 . go __a green light .

a. atb. in


) i am going to the bookstore on foot .

)i am going to the hospital by taxi .

) today is saturday . i get up at 6:50.

) i am going to the bookstore on foot .

) i am going to the beijing by plane . because i want to visit my grandparents .


1. do go canada how you to

2. by i go sometimes bike

3. at go light green

4. can by you the no.10 bus go

5. work to go i how can


i am a student . i like reading a book .every week , i go to xinhua bookstore .

usually i go by bus , but sometimes i go by bike . i know the traffic lights are the same in every country .red means stop .

yellow means wait and green means go . but some traffic rules are different in some country . we should remember the traffic rules .

)1. every week i go to the park .

)2. i often go to xinhua bookstore by bus .

) lights are the same in every country .

)4. traffic rules are the same in every country .

) shouldn’t remember the traffic rules


1、peak beat ( 2、pig kite (

3、tin dish4、apple cake (


zhang:excuse me,how do we get to the people’s park ?

man: you can go there by the no.5 bus ,or you can go on foot.

zhang: how do we go on foot ?

man: it’s easy. turn left at the traffic lights.

the park is near a tall office building.

john: thank you very much. hurry up, zhang peng!

zhang: no! the light is red. stop!

john: that’s right. we h**e to wait.

zhang: now it’s green. let’s go!

1) john and zhang peng can’t go to the park by the no.5 bus.(

2) john and zhang peng want to go to the park on foot.(

3) the people’s park is near the traffic lights.(

4) john wants to go at a red light. (

5) zhang peng follows the traffic rules. (



)1. a. eastb. d. north

)2. a. museum b. post office c. music d. library

)3. a. plane b. cinema d. bus

)4. right home left straight

) light light light light


)1. where are you from, amy

a. i’m amy. b. i’m ten. c. i’m from america.

)2. stop at the __

a. yellow light b. green light c. red light

)3. the science museum is near the school __the right.

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