
发布 2023-11-26 17:35:04 阅读 5633

2. sing a song—nice to meet you

t: pangpang is very happy to meet you all. she brings some new friends to you.

they will sing a song for us. let’s listen to it. ok?

s: ok.

t: first, listen and watch carefully. you may follow it if you want.


t: do you like the song? now follow me. (再次**歌曲,一起演唱)

设计意图:用歌曲来复习学过的知识,引入歌曲中的人物pangpang来贯穿整个复习阶段,使“nice to meet you”的使用更自然。】

step 2 presentation

play a game and learn the new words.

1 t: pangpang and her friends want to h**e a picnic tomorrow. they need something to eat.

can you give them some advice?

s: pangpang, would you like a cake?

p: yes, please.

s: pangpang, would you like a pie?

p: no, thank you.

t: what about a hot dog? (出示热狗**并教授hot dog,介绍hot dog的由来)

2. guess: what’s this?

t: pangpang thanks you for your advice. she wants to play a game with you.

do you want to try?

s: yes.

t: look carefully. what’s this? (由鸡蛋的椭圆,左右两边加两个小三角,变成 sweet)

s: sweet.

t: what about this one? (由鸡蛋的椭圆形下方加一个大三角,导入an ice cream)

t: read after me, ice cream (此单词学生发音有困难,特别是后面的cream,教学时需多点耐心)

s: ice cream.

t: an ice cream.

s: an ice cream.

t: 还有哪些单词前面需要用an?

s: an egg./an orange./an apple.

t: (解释单词前用a/an的原因。) 当我们想要表达的东西是一个(一张/一件……)的时候,别忘了在名词前面加上a/an。而当名词的首字母发元音音素时用an,其余用a。

t: let’s read the new words together.

s: ok.


step 3 checkout time

1. t: pangpang needs some food for picnic.

so she goes to the food shop. what would she like? let’s go and see.

s: ok.

t: (t扮演售货员) good morning. welcome!

s: (s扮演pangpang) good morning.

t: would you like a hot dog?

s: no, thank you.

t: would you like a hamburger? (出示**并教授该词)

s: (引导学生说) yes, two/three please. (拓展新句型yes, two/three, please.)

t: here you are. goodbye.

s: goodbye.

(用句型would you like …?what about …?yes, please./no, thank you.编对话)

设计意图:将checkout time设计成为野餐做准备,与story time的情境相匹配。】

2. rhyme: for you and me

t: pangpang is happy. she buys a lot of food. what can she do?

s: 分享食物。

t: yes. so what can she say?

s: would you like a cake/pie/hamburger …?

t: yes. so pangpang is sharing the food with us. (**rhyme动画)

t: now, let’s read the rhyme together.

s: a cake, a pie, i can see. a cake, a pie. for you and me.

an egg, an ice cream, i can see. an egg, an ice cream. for you and me.


3. consolidation.

t: pangpang has much nice food. her friends want to h**e some nice food too.

do you want to help them?

s: yes.

t: now, here are two scenes. scene 1:

sam comes to visit bobby. bobby’s families are very happy to see him. scene 2:

tim is hungry. he wants to h**e something to eat. his parents are giving some advice to him.

(情景一:sam到bobby家做客,bobby的家人正在热情地招待。 情景二:

tim饿了,他的爸爸妈妈正在给他一些建议。) please try to choose one to act in groups.


homework 家庭作业。

1. 熟读食品类的6个单词。

2. 用句型would you like …?what about …?yes, please./no, thank you.编对话。

teaching aids 教学准备(含板书设计)



本节课一开始用歌曲“nice to meet you”复习上节课所学新知,并以歌曲中的主要人物为主线,贯穿整个课堂。

接下来以pangpang想要去野餐,要准备一些食物为线索,让同学们给她一些建议,从而复习和巩固句型would you like a/an …?并教授新词hot dog;用游戏教授新词ice cream,并渗透句型what’s this?,为之后的cartoon time做准备,然后帮助学生总结前面加an的一些名词。


设计情境pangpang为野餐买食物来教授checkout time,与story time的情境相匹配;同时,用书中的小诗“for you and me”来揭示本单元主题——分享食物,让学生的学习有了情感上的升华。



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