
发布 2023-11-26 17:45:04 阅读 3154

step 2 presentation

play a game and learn the new sentences

1. t: yang ling wants to h**e a picnic with her friends.

so she went to the shop and bought some food. look! what’s this?


s: it’s an egg.

t: what’s this?

s: it’s an ice cream.

s1: (引导学生问) what’s this?

t: it’s a pie

s2: what’s this?

t: it’s a piece of cake.

s: what’s this?

t: it’s a hot dog.

s: what’s this?

t: it’s an apple.

(渗透句型:what’s this? it’s a/an …)


2. t: oh, here are so many things in the shop.

yang ling needs some help. can you give her some advice?

s: hi, yang ling. would you like a hamburger?

y: no, thank you.

s: what about a cake?

y: yes, five please.


step 3 cartoon time

1. t: now yang ling goes home.

she is happy. so she shows us a funny story. look!

who are they?

s: they’re sam, bobby and willy.

t: look at sam. he’s hungry. can you help him?

s: yes.

t: please work in pairs. one is sam. the other is the helper.


2. watch and judge

t: now, sam is full. what about bobby and willy.

what would they like? please watch, judge and answer. (**动画)

s: bobby would like an egg.

s: willy would not like a hot dog.

t: willy would not like a hot dog. why?

look at him carefully. is he scared or unhappy?

s: he is scared.

t: why?

s: willy误认为hot dog是一只烧熟的狗。

t: yes. so willy is scared of the hot dog. but is hot dog a real dog?

s: no.

t: hot dog is a kind of food.

t: ok. let’s read this funny story together.

s: ok.

t: please pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.

设计意图:通过学习有趣的cartoon time,让学生整体感知故事情节,理解课文的幽默之处,从中也提高学生的思维品质。】

3. read the story

t: now boys and girls, let’s read the story together, ok? (出示小提示:注意读出故事中人物的情绪)

s: ok.

4. act the story

t: this is a very funny story. let’s try to act it, ok?

ss: ok. (act in groups)


5. t: yang ling is happy today.

she invites us to h**e a picnic with her. do you want to go with her?

s: yes.

t: ok. let’s go and h**e a picnic tomorrow.


homework 家庭作业。

1. 听磁带,读故事5遍。

2. 和同学表演cartoon time。

teaching aids 教学准备(含板书设计)



首先由游戏引出本节课的主线人物yang ling,并用yang ling来贯穿整节课的教学。接下来以yang ling要和朋友野餐,所以去商店买食物为背景,以游戏的方式复习所学食品类单词,并渗透新句型what’s this? it’s a/an …,为cartoon time的学习扫除语言障碍。

然后请学生给yang ling提建议,借此复习句型would you like …和what about …?

yang ling在得到帮助后感觉很开心,决定跟我们分享一个有趣的故事,进而教授cartoon time。在cartoon time教学时,教师先介绍故事中的主要人物,认识新人物billy。教师提出**上sam很饿,请大家一起帮助他,在这里设计一个编对话的形式,起到承上启下的作用。


最后,以yang ling今天很开心,邀请我们一同去野餐为契机,为下一课时的教学埋下伏笔。


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班级姓名得分。一 英汉互译。1 什么时间2 wake up 3 我的铅笔4 twelve o clock 5 你的包6 how old 7 到了该上课的时候了8 hurry up 2 单项选择。1is it it s ten time b.what s time c.what 2 it s time...


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