
发布 2023-11-26 17:45:04 阅读 5591



teaching contents 教学内容。

fun time, letter time, ticking time

teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标。

1. 巩固运用句型:would you like …?和what about …?以及应答语yes, please.和no, thank you.

2. 拓展新句型:what would you like? i’d like a/an …。

3. 能识别、会读、会写字母uu、vv、ww。

4. 学生能学会分享,学会礼貌待人,提高环境意识。

focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点。

教学重点:巩固运用句型would you like …?和what about …?以及应答语yes, please.和no, thank you.。


teaching procedures 教学过程。

step 1 greeting & warm up

1. greeting

t: hello, boys and girls.

s: hello, …

t: nice to meet you.

s: nice to meet you, too.

2. t: yang ling invites us to h**e a picnic. would you like to go with her?

s: yes.

t: so we need some food for picnic. let’s go and buy some.

s: ok.

t: hello, would you like a pie?

s1: yes, three, please.

t: would you like a hamburger?

s2: no, thank you.

t: what about a hot dog?

s2: yes, please.



step 2 presentation

1. learn the new sentences

t: now we are ready for picnic. let’s go.

look! yang ling is over there. (ppt呈现人物).

what can you say to her?

s: hi, yang ling./nice to meet you, yang ling.

t: if you were yang ling, what would you say?

s: hi, ***./nice to meet you, too.

t: hi, s1. what would you like?

s1: (引导学生回答) i’d like a hot dog.

t: ok. here you are.

t: well done. now you h**e different food.

please share your food with your deskmates. (请学生根据ppt呈现主要句型,两人一组编对话)

2. review and revise the rhyme

t: oh, we h**e shared our food. what a happy day! let’s enjoy a rhyme.

s: ok.

t: do you remember this rhyme? let’s read it together.

s: a cake, a pie

i can see.

a cake, a pie

for you and me.

an egg, an ice cream

i can see.

an egg, an ice cream

for you and me.

t: good. now let’s change some words. let’s create a new rhyme.


i can see.


for you and me.

t: can you try to say the new rhyme?

ss: yes.


3. review and learn letters

t: i know you all h**e much food. look!

yang ling has much food, too. and they’re magic. please look at the pictures and read out the letters.


s: k, n, e, …

t: you are very wonderful. (teach: u, v, w) let’s read them together.

t: uu, vv, ww. (教师示范带读并着重讲解字母vv的发音)

t: let’s watch a flash. (ppt呈现letter time动画) do you know how to write uu?

s: 大写u一笔写成,占两格,小写u也是一笔写成,但要注意小写u最后又一个小尾巴。

t: very good. (教师示范写)

t: what about vv?

s: 大写v一笔写成,占两格。小写v和大写v一样,但是只占一格。

t: (示范写,并同法讲授ww)

t: open your books and turn to page 48. try to copy on the book.

please pay attention to the order of writing. (根据书上字母的笔顺进行描红)

t: yang ling shows us some different letters. they mean different things.

let’s try to read them. (ppt呈现**)

s: usa, ufo, cctv, rmb, vip.

t: do you know what they mean? let’s see.


step 3 ticking time

t: boys and girls, how many stars can you get from this lesson? please tick for your deskmate.


s: i can get … stars.

t: in our life, we should learn to share. we should be polite to others.

after the picnic, we h**e to throw the rubbish in the bin.


homework 家庭作业。

1. 思考:同学到你家做客,你要怎么招待他呢?

2. 写字母u, v和w大小写各一行。

teaching aids 教学准备(含板书设计)


板书设计unit 7 would you like a pie?

说课。本节课主要分为三部分,野餐前、野餐中和野餐后。由于上节课在结束时yang ling邀请大家一起去野餐,因此,本节课继续以yang ling这个人物为主线。

野餐前,教师创设食品商店情境,模拟准备食物,期间复习句型和词汇。在情境中复习,让学生可以更加自然地运用语言。野餐中,让学生两人一组运用句型分享食物并教授新句型i’d like …。

同时,在野餐情境中,教师通过读和改编歌谣的活动以及用食物**复习字母的活动丰富野餐情境,自然过渡到letter time的学习。**中的字母新奇有趣,可以让学生精神集中,更加主动地学习。



班级姓名得分。一 英汉互译。1 什么时间2 wake up 3 我的铅笔4 twelve o clock 5 你的包6 how old 7 到了该上课的时候了8 hurry up 2 单项选择。1is it it s ten time b.what s time c.what 2 it s time...


班级姓名得分。一 英汉互译。1 什么时间2 wake up 3 我的铅笔4 twelve o clock 5 你的包6 how old 7 到了该上课的时候了8 hurry up 2 单项选择。1is it it s ten time b.what s time c.what 2 it s time...


2.sing a song nice to meet you t pangpang is very happy to meet you all.she brings some new friends to you.they will sing a song for us.let s listen t...