
发布 2023-09-12 16:35:54 阅读 4759

七年级上 unit 2 is this your pencil?

section a (1a—2c) 第一课时。

学习目标】1. 单词:能够听,说,读,写本课要使用的新单词p7—8页。

2.重点短语: pencil case, pencil sharpener, excuse me


1) -is this your pencil?

yes, it is.

2) -is this your backpack??

yes, it is.

4.语法:1). 学习一般疑问句的结构和简略答语。掌握句型:is this your pencil?

答语:yes,it is.或no, it isn’t.

2). 能辨析this 和that的用法。

3) 掌握excuse me.的用法。

学习重点】学习一般疑问句的结构和简略答语。掌握句型:is this your pencil?

答语:yes, it is.或no, it isn’t.


一、 单词。

二、 短语。

三、 句子。

1.is that your backpack?那是你的双肩背包吗?

这是一个一般疑问句。在含有am,is,are的一般疑问句中,要把am,is,are放在___位置,句末用标点符号___号,读时用___升/降)调。如,__am/is/are)you mark?



__.如,that girl___am/is/are)my sister.

由指示代词this,that作主语的疑问句,回答时,常用___代替this或that.如,-is that your pen肯定回答).-what’s this in englisha book.

四、 同义辨析 excuse me 与 sorry .

excuse me 常用于事前,请他人帮忙或会打搅到别人的情况。并没有对不起别人的意思。

而sorry 或i’m sorry 的基本意思为“对不起,抱歉”。一般用做错事,说错话后后对所犯。


excuse me. do you know jim? 请问,你认识jim 吗?

sorry, i don’t know.对不起,我不认识。

练习: )1what’s this is english?

i don’t know.

a.excuse me; sorry b. excuse me; excuse me c. sorry ; sorry d. sorry; excuse me


1) 通过学习课本p7—8页的单词,你能拼写出并郞读下列单词和短语吗?试一试,你最棒!

1.这个 __2.铅笔 __3.钢笔4.书 __5. 橡皮。

6. 直尺___7. 铅笔盒8.双肩背包9.字典10 那个___11. 请原谅12. is not=__13.卷笔刀。





3) 预习课本1 a并将单词语与图中物品匹配。

4) 利用1a的单词完成下列句子。

3)翻译 grammar focus(把汉语写在课本上)并读五遍!


1---is this your backpack? -no, it isn’t. it’s his backpack.

2---is this your pencil? -yes, it is. it’s my pencil.

3---is this your ruler? -no, it isn’t. it’s her ruler.


pairwork: 根据 1b, 2c小组成员间用--is this your ……及答语yes, it is.或 no, it isn’t.来进行。




a. hello! b. hi! c. sorry. d. excuse me.

)2. -is that a pencilit’s a pen.

a. yes, it is. b. no, it isn’t. c. no, that isn’t. d. no, it is.

)3is that your eraser? -no, it isn’t.

a. sorry. b. thanks. c. listen to me. d. excuse me.

)4. a: is this yourb:yes

a. dictianary, it is b. dictianary, this is it is that is

)5. _pencil is redpencil is red, too.

;she she her d. i; her

)6that a ruler

a. is b. are c. am d. be


1.is this your ruler? (作肯定回答) yes

2.is that her english book?( 作否定回答) no

3.that is my eraseryour eraser.?(改为一般疑问句)

4.his, is, this, dictionary (改为一般疑问句。

5. is this her backpack ? 改为陈述句句her backpack.

6.it’s his pencil case. (改为否定句句) ithis pencil case.

7.is that her dictionary?( 作否定回答。



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