
发布 2023-09-12 16:35:54 阅读 7368

unit 3 our animal friends (第一课时)


1. blind adj.瞎的。

2. radio n.无线电广播。

3. programme n.节目。

4. helpful adj.有用的。

5. rescue v.营救。

6. mean n.表示……的意思。

7. receptionist n.接待员。

8. allow v.允许进入。

9. pet n.宠物。

10. anywhere adv.任何地方

11. apologize v.道歉。

12. lead v. 带领。

13. bark v.(狗)吠叫。

14. wake v.醒来。

15. towel n.毛巾。

16. bottom n.底部。

17. finally adv.终于。

18. airport n.机场。

19. appear v.出现。

20. act v.扮演(戏剧、电影中的角色)

21. climb v.攀登。

22. dark adj.黑暗的。

23. nothing pron.没有东西; 没有事情


at 到达。

oneself 独自。

(sb.) to 带着(某人)到……

asleep 入睡。

up 醒来。

down 蹲下。

engine 消防车。

one's help(=with the help of sb.)在某人的帮助下。


an article about a blind man and his guide dog.读一篇关于一个盲人和他的导盲犬的文章。

blind 形容词,以为“瞎的;失明的”。在前面加the表示一类人。

eg: we must try our best to help the blind.


as) blind as a bat(蝙蝠) 视力极差的,几乎看不见的。

be blind to...对……视而不见。

eg:i must h**e be blind not to realize the danger we are in.


turn a blind eye to...对……熟视无睹。

eg: the police has turn a blind eye to the matter.**对那件事视而不见。

re welcome to stay, but i'm sorry that we don't allow pets here.

1)keep pets/animals养宠物。

2)allow sth.表示“允许”,常用句型:allow sb. to do sth.允许某人做某事。

eg: 妈妈不允许我在家里养狗。mum

do you think the word "eye"means in the story?

what do/does...mean?= what do you mean by...是什么意思?

eg:what does news***** mean?=what do you mean by "news*****"?“news*****”是什么意思?

'm blind and i can't go anywhere by myself.

by oneself 以为“独自地”,常用于句尾,强调没有别人帮助、陪伴。

eg:don't le**e me at home by myself, dad.


talk to oneself 自言自语。

enjoy oneself 过得快活。

help oneself to 随便吃(用)

teach oneself 自学。

dress oneself自己穿衣服。

receptionist apologized and led john and charlie to their room.

apologize =say sorry

拓展】1)apologize to sb=say sorry to sb


而apologize for sth./doing sth.表“为(做)某事道歉”,“因……而道歉”。

2)lead:(过去式led) lead sb to……引领某人去某处。

soon fell asleep.

fall asleep 入睡,睡着。

区别:go to bed **睡觉,强调睡觉这个事情,不一定睡着了; fall asleep 强调睡着了。

time later, charlie started barking.

start to do sth.=begin to do sth. =start doing sth.

eg:it started raining/to rain.

would not go without his"eyes".

without 介词,意为“无,没有”。without是with的反义词,其后跟名词、代词或动名词。

eg:fish can't live without water.

the fireman got charlie out of the building too and they were both safe.

1)both 两者都。反义词:neither eg:we are both students.

all 两者以上都。反义词:none eg: the students are all listening.



终于,最终(用于经过一段长时间、特别是经过困难或耽搁之后的事),其同意词有:at last, at length,eventually,in the end等。

最后 (用于举例,引出所提事情、观点的最后一项、一点),同意的:in conclusion ,lastly, all in all等。



is band he can’t go anywhere by himself.

wang began to learn english on the r

like watching p on tv.

h boy carried my bags for me.

never a such beh**ior.

was told to a for being late for school.

do not forget to w me up half an hour later.

guid will l us through the forest.


day, jack and jone arrived at a small village.

a. arrived in b. got c. reached d. ran

and apologize to her.

hello b. say goodbye happy sorry

he got down on the floor next to charlie and waited.

far the firemen put out the fire.

first the middle last the beginning

is the story probably about?

be fact


made this cake .

there is a computer the desk, so we can play computer games for fun.

a. under b. at c. on d. beside

already 10 o’clock. and it is time for you to .

up up asleep up

day a letter from my father at the school.

c. received

li kindly me the headteacher’s office.

to to to d. get; to

not decided yet.


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