
发布 2023-02-28 21:01:28 阅读 4885


chapter 1 ****** friends


a. 重点词组。

keen on 热衷于 from 来自 playing rugby 喜欢打橄榄球。

from sb 收到某人来信 friends with sb 与某人交朋友 football 踢足球。

tennis/chess 打网球/下棋 with sb 和某人住在一起 10. reply to 回复

chinese 讲汉语 to sb 给某人写信 13. would like to do sth 想做某事 as 从事 to school 步行上学 the top-right corner在右上角

letter from a penfriend笔友的一封信 photo of myself 我的一张** the middle of 在…中间 20. a boy called jim 一个叫jim的男孩 f**ourite sport 某人最喜欢的运动


1. what’s your height? =how tall are you?

2. what’s your weight? =how he**y are you ?

3. what’s your agehow old are you?

4. what’s the length of it? =how long is it?

5. he owns a restaurant. =he has a restaurant. /he is the owner of the restaurant.

6. i would like to be an architect. =i want to be an architect.

7. he is my f**ourite singer. =of all the singers, i like him best.

8. i heard from him yesterday. =i received a letter from him yesterday.

9. he enjoys readinghe likes reading.

10. they come from beijing. =they are from beijing.

where do they come from? =where are they from?

11. he is keen on skiing. =he is very interested in skiing.

12. i don’t know someone called scott. =i don’t know someone named scott.

has a friend called has a friend named lin.

lives in a city. the city is called lives in a city called shenzhen.

do you come from?where are you from?

16. he works as an is an architect.

17. he enjoys likes reading.

18. my f**ourite hobby is playing all the hobbies, i like playing chess best.

c. 不定冠词a/an的用法。

a后接辅音开头的单词, an 后接元音开头的单词。注意是根据读音而不是根据字母来判断是用a/an.

5个元音的字母音 a [ei] e [i:] i [ai] o [u] u [u:]


a [e] bag cat hat map

e [e] pen bed ten hen

i [i] big pig sit hill

o box hot dog frog

u [u] but mum bus mug


短元音[e] [e] [iu

长元音 [ia:] u

8个双元音:[ei] [ai] [u] [au] [i] [i] [e] [u]


特例 an hour 一个小时an honest boy一个诚实的男孩

a university一所大学 a useful/useless thing 有用/无用的东西

a european (cat) 一个欧洲人/一只欧洲猫 a usual day 平常的一天。

a one-day holiday 一天的假期。


what什么(可以用来询问/职业/年龄/年级/号码/颜色/时间/**/人口或是询问某人怎么了) what colour / what is your name(age/you number/f**ourite sport) /what time/what colour/what class/what day/ what is the population of /what is wrong with/what about/what do you think of ..

when什么时间(大概的) what time 具体的时间。



--how do you go to school? -i go to school on foot.

--how is your father?--he is well now.

how old多大年龄 how many多少(后接名词复数) how much多少(不可数);多少钱。

how long物体的长度;时间长度 ( for +一段时间 ) how soon多久以后( in+一段时间)

--how soon will you go? -in two days.

how often多久一次 --how often do you brush your teeth? -once a day.

how far路程的长度 how tall(high)多高 how he**y多重。

---how far is it from beijing to guangzhou?

--it’s about 2000 km away.

--it’s twenty hour's ride in train from beijing to guangzhou

的用法。and 表示并列的连接,用来连接对等的单词、短语和句子;but 用来表示转折关系;so 表示因果“因此,所以”

because 和so 不可同时连用。

because he felt tied, so he fell asleep soon. (

because he felt tied, he fell asleep soon. (

he felt tied, so he fell asleep soon. (ii. 课后练习。

chapter two. our daily life

i. 课堂知识点。

a. 重点的词组。

in charge of 负责;管理 after 照顾 3. lose one’s temper 发脾气

up 熬夜 5. brush one’s teeth 刷牙 6. go to school 上学 7.

watch tv 看电视8. play table tennis 大乒乓球 a motorbike 骑摩托 the piano 弹钢琴 11. play computer games 玩电脑游戏 12.

be similar to sb 和某人相似 different from 与什么不一样 at school 在学校上学 up 起床 a phone call to sb 和某人通** 17. fail the exam 考试不及格 one’s way to school 在上学的路上19. in an hour or two.

在一到两小时内18. attend the club 参加俱乐部

补充:1. one of the top students 尖子生之一注意: one of + 可数名词复数。

2. put on / take off the school uniform 穿上/脱下校服 (强调动作)

wear the school uniform穿校服(强调状态)

3. discuss business = talk about business 讨论生意。


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