
发布 2023-08-29 20:09:44 阅读 3298



unit 6 when was it invented1/5

about the history of inventions.2. be able to use : when was the telephone


要求it was invented in 1876. what was it used for?it was used to talk to people in other

towns.3. master:be + pp.教1.key vocabulary2.target language.

教学。the students to talk about the history法。

重点of inventions.


step 1. warm-up

show some pictures and ask students to befamiliar with the words,calculator ,car ,personal computer, tv setstep 2. presentationⅰ.1a groupwork

1. point to the pictures and ask studentsto say what they are.

2. discuss in groups and number them 1-5.3. check the answers.ⅱ.1b

1. look at the pictures and the woman,then match theinventions and thedates.

2. check the answers.ⅲ.1c pair work

1. work in pairs. look at 1b.

student acover the dates. student b, ask student awhenthethingsinthepicturewereinvented. then change roles and practiceagain.

2. ask students to make similar dialoguesusing the things around them.ⅳ.2a

again and try to grasp them.2.2a showanother slide.

look at the picture. hereare the three inventions. you will hear inventionsinthe

学生活动。look at thepicture andremember thewords.

look at thepictures andnumber them 1-5.

listen to aconversationbetweenagirlanda woman, thenmatch the

inventions andthe dates.

make similardialoguesusingthe things aroundthem.

listen and numberthe inventions intheorderthatyouhear them.







order that you hear them.

the teacher shows the correct answers.ⅴ.2b

1. show another slide. look at the and what they are used for.

listento the recording again and matchthe itemsin column a, b and c.

2.. play the tape again, then check theanswers.

.2c pair work

1. it aloud.

2. role play the conversations using theinformation in the chart in 3 summary

homework; grammar twice.

listen the

inventions withtheir inventorsand uses.

role play theconversationsusing the

information inthe chart in 2b.


the students to do the workbook and recite words.




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