
发布 2023-01-07 04:20:28 阅读 6613

unit 1 where did you go on vacation?


1. go on vacation=go on a vacation=go for a vacation=take a vacation 去度假。

on vacation=be on holiday在度假 at home 呆在家。

to new york city 去纽约 my uncle 拜访我的叔叔。

to summer camp 去夏令营 to the mountains 去爬山。

to the beach 去海滩 museums 参观博物馆。

to central park 去**公园 for tests 为考试学习。

waterfall 黄果树瀑布。

13.① a few / few+可数名词复数 ②little/ a little +不可数名词。

备注:a few与a little表示肯定概念;而few与little表示否定概念。

a few friends 几个朋友 few friends 几乎没有朋友。

a little water 一点水 little water 几乎没有水。

a few+可n.复数相当多的…

15. take photos=take pictures=take a photo=take a picture 照相。

of the time大部分时间 sb sth=buy sth for sb为某人买某物。

buy a hat for my father= buy my father a hat 为我的爸爸买一顶帽子。

+adj.品尝起来… taste really good 尝起来真的很好。

19.①it’s my first time to do sth… 这是我第一次做某事…

it’s my first time to sp这是我第一次去某地…

my first time to go to the beach.这是我第一次去沙滩。

it’s my first time to his home.这是我第一次去他家。

shopping =shop 购物 out with someone和某人一起出去。

course=sure=certainly当然可以 the countryside 在乡下。

interesting 某个有趣的地方。

25.①seem to be+adj./n. 看起来…

主语+seem to do sth=it seems/seemed that … 看起来…

tom seemed to be bored 汤姆看起来很无聊。

he seems to be an actor 他看起来像个演员。

he seems to know her.= it seems that he knows her. 他看起来认识他。

some hens 喂母鸡

27.①feed sth. to sb. 把…喂给… ②feed sb. sth. 喂给某人某物。

please feed the grass to the sheep.请把这些草喂给这些羊。

please feed the sheep the grass.请喂给这些羊这些草。

some baby pigs看见一些小猪。

is nothing much to do but do sth 除了做…没有许多事可做。

there is nothing much to do at school but work hard.


a diary 写日记。

31. h**e a good/great/wonderful time=h**e fun=enjoy oneself玩得高兴。

in penang =reach penang=get to penang到达槟城。

(not) to do sth 决定(不)做某事。

he decided (not) to go out on school nights.他决定在学校的晚上(不)外出。

paragliding 尝试滑翔伞运动。

try to do sth 努力做某事(想办法做成功)

try doing sth 尝试做某事(只是想试试)

try one’s best to do sth= do one’s best to do sth 尽某人最大努力做某事。

i’ll try to do homework by myself.我将努力自己做作业。

look!he is trying ****** a cake.看,他正在试着做蛋糕。

they try their best to clean the classroom.他们尽最大努力扫教室。

like① 感觉像(后面一般加“句子”)

feel like doing sth想要做某事(=want to do sth.=would like to do sth.)

i feel like i am dreaming.我感觉自己正在做梦。

he felt like reading books.=he would like to read books.=he wanted to read books.他想要读书。

bicycles to… 骑自行车去某地。

traders 中国商人 around … 在…周围闲逛。

the past 在过去(一般用于一般过去时)

he helped me with my english.在过去,他帮我学英语。

39① from the top of the hill 从山顶 ②walk up to the top of the hill 走到山顶。

raining a little 开始下小雨。

start to do sth.=start doing sth.=begin to do sth.=begin doing sth.开始做某事。

i started/began to draw.=i started/began drawing.我开始画画。

really hard 雨下得真的很大。

备注:①hard在本文中做副词,“激烈地,猛烈地”,修饰动词rain;而且它还有“努力地”意思,如:work hard 努力学习。

hardly 副词,“几乎不”

42.①wait for sb./sth. 等待某人或某物:don’t wait for me.别等我了。

wait sb to do sth等待某人做某事:i waited you to help me.我等你帮我。

over an hour for the train=wait more than an hour for the train


备注:over=more than “超过,多于…”

44 ①because of +n./pron.宾格 ②because +句子 “因为”

because he succeeded,i could learn from him.

because of his success,i could learn from him.因为他成功了,我才向他学习的。

45①enough adj.“足够的,充分的”,修饰名词时,放在名词的前面。

②enough adv.“足够地,充分地”,修饰动词、形容词或副词时,放在它们的后面。

enough money 足够多的钱 tall enough 足够高 run fast enough 跑得足够快。

next day 第二天(多用于一般过去时)

the next day,the food was very delicious. 第二天,食物很可口。

doing sth.喜欢做某事。

i enjoy swimming in summer.在夏天我喜欢游泳。



i wonder why you are here.我想知道你为什么在这。

基数词+可n.单或复数=基数词+more+可n.单或复数 “另外…个…”

i h**e another one apple.=i h**e one more apple.我还有一个苹果。

there are another two books.=there are two more books.还有两本书。


unit8学案 共5个课时 第1课时 unit 8 section a 1a 2c 课型 新授主备 蒋穗审核 小组 姓名 learning objectives knowing 本课的10个单词9个短语。habit forming a did you go to the zoo?b yes,i di...

人教新目标八年级英语上册 习题 Unit10单元写作小

单元写作小专题 section b 3a 4 单元写作目标 能描述青少年在生活中遇到的困难及其引发的感受和事情的结果,能针对问题提出建议。1 能用if引导的条件状语从句谈论事情的结果 2 能正确使用情态动词should提出建议。一 词汇积累。一 烦恼与问题类短语。1 和某人吵架 get into a...


1.how often多久一次。2.go to the movies去看电影。3.surf the internet上网。4.go skateboarding去滑板。5.ononth每月一次。6.twice a week每周两次。7.three or four times a week每周三四次。d...