
发布 2023-01-07 07:11:28 阅读 2370










sunday → on sunday → on sunday morning 等。




i spent ten yuan on the book.

i spent the yuan in buying the book.

the book cost me ten yuan.

i paid ten yuan for the book.




ii、八年级上册各单元范文。供各位同学参考,经典范文要背诵下来,希望对你期末考试有所帮助!go for it,and you will get great success!

unit 1 how often do you o exercise?


从三个方面写,分别是exercise, diet, sleep,每个方面2句话,加上开头与结尾各一句,正好8句话,大概是60左右的单词)

jay chou is a famous pop singer. he’s pretty healthy. he exercises every day.

he plays basketball ten times a week. he tries to eat lots of vegetables and fruit. he also loves junk food but he eats it once or twice a week .

he sleeps eight hours every night. he often says :“good food and exercise help me to sing better.

”unit 2 what's the matter?

标题the way to keep healthy or how to keep healthy(分析:从三个方面写,分别是exercise, diet, sleep,每个方面2句话,加上开头与结尾各一句,正好8句话,大概是60左右的单词)

all of us want to be healthy. first i think sleep is important. usually we need about eight hours’ sleep every night.

a healthy diet is also important. we should eat lots of vegetables and fruit. we shouldn’t eat too much junk food.

everyone needs to exercise such as running and playing ball games.

of course there are other ways to keep healthy. i think h**ing a good state of mind is very important.

unit 3 what are you doing for vacation?

假期计划(分析写作思路:where→when→who→how long→what,分别是假期去了**,什么时间去的,和谁一起去的,呆了多长时间,在那里做了什么)

summer vacation is coming. i plan to go to beijing with my parents. we’re le**ing the first week in august and staying for five days.

we are thinking about visiting the great wall because it’s a good place to go sightseeing. we are going to tian anmen square and visiting the summer palace and forbidden city. i think we’ll h**e a good time in beijing.

i can’t wait!

unit 4 how do you get to school?

标题my best way of going to school (分析:开头点题,直接给出最喜欢的交通方式是什么,然后从三个方面阐述原因first ,second, third,最后总结,与开头呼应)

i like to go to school on foot best. first, my home is not far away from my school. second, on my way to school, the traffic is he**y.

there are too many bikes, buses and cars on the street. third, i also think walking is a kind of sport. it’s good for my health.

so it’s the best way for me to go to school.

unit 5 can you come to my party?


hi henry

thank you for your invitation. i’m sorry, but i can’t come next week. on monday, i h**e to go to the doctor.

on tuesday, i’m shopping with my friends. on wednesday, i h**e to go to see my dad. on thursday, i’m studying for my english test.

and on friday, i’m going to the movies with some friends. please call me after the vacation.

tonyunit 6 i’m more outgoing than my sister.

以my best friend 为题,写一篇记述文。(运用比较级)

my best friend is wang lei. he is a smart boy and his lessons are very great. we both like doing the game things, though in some ways, i’m very different from him.

he is taller and more outgoing than me. we both like sports, but wang lei is more athletic than me. also, i’m quieter than he is.

do you make a banana milk shake?

请你写一篇制作玉米花(popcorn)的小短文。注意使用first, next, then, finally等表示过程的词。不少于50个词。

范文一:how to make popcorn?

i like popcorn very much. i learned from my mother how to make popcorn. now let me show you the ways.

first you put the popcorn into the popper. next, turn on the popper. wait for several minutes.

then you pour the popcorn into the bowl. and put salt on the popcorn. finally you can eat the popcorn.


three bananas, three apples, a watermelon, a bowl, honey, yogurt.

范文二:how to make fruit salad?

first cut up three bananas three apples and a watermelon. next put the fruit in a bowl. then put in two teaspoons of honey and a cup of yogurt.

finally mix them all up. and you can enjoy the delicious fruit salad.

unit was your school trip?

上个星期六学生们去西山进行了一次野餐, 请参考所给词语, 描述此次活动。


unit8学案 共5个课时 第1课时 unit 8 section a 1a 2c 课型 新授主备 蒋穗审核 小组 姓名 learning objectives knowing 本课的10个单词9个短语。habit forming a did you go to the zoo?b yes,i di...

人教新目标八年级英语上册 习题 Unit10单元写作小

单元写作小专题 section b 3a 4 单元写作目标 能描述青少年在生活中遇到的困难及其引发的感受和事情的结果,能针对问题提出建议。1 能用if引导的条件状语从句谈论事情的结果 2 能正确使用情态动词should提出建议。一 词汇积累。一 烦恼与问题类短语。1 和某人吵架 get into a...

八年级英语上册句型试卷人教新目标版 need some help can you切碎 the tomatoes please please put两茶匙黄油 on the sandwich add some relish and混合在一起 ingredients pour两杯蜂蜜 and一杯白糖 intothe b...