人教新目标八年级英语 下 第一单元练习题

发布 2023-01-07 04:19:28 阅读 5116


一. 词形变化:

1. building(动词)__第三人称单数过去式 )_not

缩写 )_动词)__现在分词)__过去分。


二. 单项填空:

1. there won’t be __***** money. a. few b. some c. any d. many

2. will there be any trees100 years? a. in b. after c. to d. later

think there will be __trees. a. less b. much c. fewer d. little


a. will h**e less b. will be fewer pollution c. will be less d. will be many

life __50 years later.

a. will be so better b. will be much better c. is much better d. will be too better

think brazil will __the next world cup. a. beat b. fight c. win d. against

7. i think he will come tomorrowa. won’t he b. don’t i c. won’t i d. will he

often __her homework in the evening , but this evening she __tv.

a. does; watches b. is doing; will watch c. does; will watch d. will do; watches

9.--will you le**e beijing ? in two days.

a. how often b. how long c. how soon d. what time

10.--you had better __fire. -it’s dangerous.

a. not to play b. not play c. play with d. not play with

三. 根据句意和提示写单词。

1. he lives in an a___with his parents.

2. he likes animals very much . he k___two dogs and a cat in his home.

3. there will be many tall___建筑物) here.

4. it is very cold today. there is thick ice in the river. let’s go s___

5. i want to f___rockets to the moon one day.

6. in the future every home will h**e a机器人).

7. he is a strange man. he likes to wear c___clothes.

8. there were many famous p___that never came true.

9. there will be more污染) than before.

you like using a c___card?

四. 根据中文完成句子。

1. 他们将在家里通过计算机学习。they’ll study at home

2. 我觉得将会有更多的高楼。i think there will be

3. 10年后我将会当一名工程师。i’ll bein ten years.

4. 他很迷恋这本书。hethis book.

5. 他每天都会去游泳吗? does heevery day?

6. 他最少有700本书。everyone here has

7. 这本书花了他几百块钱。the bookdollars

8. 他喜欢独自在街上散步,他从不感到孤独。

9. 我能够使你哭,但是我不能那样。



1. i don’t think they will climb the mountain the day after tomorrow . 改为反义疑问句)

i don’t think they will climb the mountain the day after tomorrow

2. we can use money to buy what we want.(改同义句)

often does his homework at night. (用in five days改写)

tomhis homework in five days.

think she’ll be a doctor. (就划线部分提问)

she’ll be ?

5. he watches tv twice a week. (就划线部分提问)

does he watch tv ?

五. 完型填空。

mr. smith enjoyed _1_in a restaurant. after meal, when he was le**ing, he couldn’t _2_his bag.

he had put it _3_the chair. but now_4_ was on the chair. he looked _5_.

just then, a waiter came _ 6_and asked,” did you h**e a good meal?” yes, thank you.” he _ 7_.

”but i can’t pay the bill, my bag is gone.(不见了)” the waiter smiled and went out . a few minutes _8 _,he came back _ 9_a bag and g**e it back to smith.

he said, “i’m sorry. my dog has taken it _ 10 _the garden. he often does this.

”1. a. him b. he c. his d. himself

2. a. look for b. looked for c. found d. find

3. a. under b. beside c. on d. near

4. a. a bag b. nothing c. something d. anything

5. a. happy b. fine c. worried d. worry

6. a. up b. in c. into d. down

7. a. laughed b. answered c. talked d. smiled

8. a. late b. after c. ago d. later

9. a. h**e b. with c. and d. get

10. a. in b. to c. away d. off

六. 用所给词的正确形式填空:

1.i don’tlike this movie anymuch).

mother asks me to buy some __sugar)

3. hevisit)the summer palace last may.

4. he isathletic) of the boys.

5. there __be) an english party this evening.

6. i’m sure she did __good) in the last exam.

7. not long ago, he went to england for his __far) study.

8. who won the 100-meter race? who was thewin)?


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