
发布 2023-08-12 20:55:29 阅读 1638


unit 3 lesson 1: i want to eat noodles.






能够听说、认读want ,dumplings两个新单词,能够听说、认读、会写eat, noodles两个单词,并能运用主句型“--what do you want to eat? -i want to eat …”询问别人的饮食喜好。


能听懂、会说并在实际生活中运用句型“--what do you want to eat? -i want to eat …”并能做替换练习。




掌握noodles, dumplings, want, eat 四个单词,并能用主句型“what do you want to eat? i want to eat …”进行日常生活中询问饮食喜好的替换练习。


教学步骤:step1: warm up(热身)

1, greeting:

teacher (t): good morning, boys and girls. nice to meet you.

students (ss): nice to meet you, too.

t: today i’m glad to h**e this class with you.

first, i want to know something about you, ok?

s: ok.

2, free talk:

t: this boy, what’s your name, please?

s1: my name is …

t: nice to meet you.

s1: nice to meet you, too.

t: and this beautiful girl, may i h**e your name?

s2: my name is …

t: nice to meet you.

s2: nice to meet you, too.

t: do you like fish?

s2: yes, i like fish very much.

t: great! i like fish, too.

t: and this boy, let me know you, ok?

s3: my name is …

t: oh, you’re cool. and do you like chicken?

s3: yes, i like chicken.

t:oh, i know.


step 2: presentation(学习新知):

1, enjoy the gourmet street’s pictures:

t: now, boys and girls. i know you like yummy food.

and i like delicious food, too. and several days ago, i went to a gourmet street and take some photos about the delicious food. now let’s enjoy them, ok?

ss: ok.

show the pictures with a beautiful song.


2,divide the students into two groups:

t:so much for you, and here are two plates for you. and i’ll divide you into two groups.

one plate is for one group. if you h**e done well, i’ll give you some food. try your best!


3, learn and use: i want to eat …

t: on the screen, there are some delicious foods, let’s say their names, ok?

s:ok.show the pictures and review the words about food they h**e learned.

t: oh, so many delicious food. and i want to eat fish. (领读并板书i want to eat …)

what about you? what do you want to eat?

s: i want to eat … 学生说出,教师发给学生食物卡片以示鼓励。问四组左右。)


4,watch the cartoon of the text for the first time, learn new word: noodles.

t: now, you h**e got what you want to eat. and what does jack want to eat?

a. rice b. noodles let’s watch the cartoon carefully and choose the right answer.

watch the cartoon.

choose the answer. (及时给予激励性语言评价及评价台实物卡奖励评价。)

pay attention to the pronunciation: look, book, noodles;

zoo, room, noodles.



5, lead in the sentence: what do you want to eat?

t: you know, jack wants to eat noodles. and how do you know the answer.

from picture 1, picture 2, or picture 3?

ss answer. (激励性语言评价及评价台奖励食物卡片。)

show the sentence: what do you want to eat? (跟录音读、领读并板书。)


6,ask and answer in pairs.

use the drills: what do you want to eat?

i want to eat …

show. (展示三组左右,给予激励性语言评价及评价太食物卡片评价。)


7,a game : lucky customer

t: ok, boys and girls, you h**e done well. and now i’ll give you a surprise.

here’s a game for you : try to be a lucky customer. and rules for you, please read it by yourself.

teacher shows and draws.

ss ask, answer and draw. (进行三组左右的游戏,给予个人语言奖励、实物卡奖励,并给予评价台实物卡奖励。)


8,watch the cartoon again and learn new word: dumplings.

上一环节的游戏,最后一组**时,放入john 的头像,让学生抽出来后,教师说:oh, who’s that? that’s john.

and what does john want to eat?

let’s watch the cartoon again and choose the right answer.

watch the cartoon.

check the answer.(给予语言评价及评价台上实物卡奖励。)

learn the new word: dumplings.(领读词卡)

fish dumplings, chicken dumplings, vegetable dumplings.然后出示句子:i want to eat … 让学生选择自己喜欢吃的水饺进行表达,同时教师也可以附和:

i like fish dumplings, too.或者:you want to eat vegetable dumplings.

that’s good for your health.(语言鼓励与评价台食物卡奖励。)

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