
发布 2023-08-12 14:35:16 阅读 2644


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ii. 情景问答,从右栏中选择合适的答语,并将序号写在题前括号里。20%

)1. good morning. a. yes ,i am.

)2. goodbye,tom . b. hi, i’m peter.

)3. are you on duty today? c. good morning.

)4. hello,i’m hu ping. d. bye-bye,sam.

)5. what time is it? e. it’s seven thirty.

) are they doing? did .

)7. how old are you ? twelve.

) you you do in summer? c..they are singing.

)9. what’s your name ? d?go swimming.

)10. did you h**e a good time ? name is xiaobai.

iii. 从右栏中选择正确的翻译,并将序号写在题前括号里。20%

) 1. at home a.去游泳

) 2. go to school b.在家

) 3. go swimming c.去上学

) 4. play chess d.拍照

) 5. take photos e.下象棋

) 6. do homework a.过得愉快

) 7. climb mountains b.做作业

) 8. read a bood c.爬山

) 9. wait for d.读书

) 10. h**e a good time e.等候

. 给下列**选择正确的单词,并将序号填在对应**下的()里。20%

card ( pencil-case ( hen ( dance( )lion( )

chocolate ( stamp( )doctor( )winner( )cheese( )


)1. 你的同学过生日时,你应该对他/她说:

new year! b. happy birthday!

)2. 得到别人的帮助,应该说:

you! welcome.

)3. 想知道颜色,应该怎样问?

much? colour?

)4. 要问路或打扰别人时,应先说:

me. )5. 想知道对方的名字,可以怎样问?

this? b. what’s your name ?

)6.当别人对你说“your english is very nice!”,你可以说:

a. of course. b. thank you.


a. it doesn’t matter. b. i’m sorry, i’m late.

)8.当别人对你说“would you like to my birthday party?可以说:

a. sure. b.. no.

( )9.当别人对你说“what date is it today?”,你可以说:

a. today is monday. b. it’s august

)10. 当别人对你说“what’s your job?” 你可以说:

a i’m kate. b. i’m a doctor.

. 选择正确的汉语意思。12%

) were you in the summer vacation?

a暑假你在哪? b寒假你去哪?

) you h**e a good time ?

a你有时间吗? b 你过得愉快吗?

) bus is moving.

a公共汽车被移动了。 b 公共汽车正在行驶。

) you do housework at home?.

a 你在家做作业吗? b 你在家做家务吗?

) stayed in china.

a 我在中国。 b 我是中国人。


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