
发布 2023-05-20 06:00:28 阅读 9454


一、 基数词。





几百几,hundred 后面and 立。

b 基数词的用法。

1. 用来表示数量、各类号码等: three hundred people , room202…

practice: four of the九) computers in our office broke down, so we ha them repaired.(12常州)

2. 表示年份、时刻、世纪, 某人约几十岁时: in 2013, at 7:30, in the 1990s, in his twenties

practice: my grandma is in her80多岁), but she can still take care of herself. (12苏州 )

3. 表示顺序。单数名词+基数词,名词的第一个字母通常要大写。

可以转换为the +序数词+单数名词 lesson nine= the ninth lesson

4. hundred, thousand, million, billion前有数词时,表示确定的数目,后不用复数及of;



chairperson received about three applications to join the birdwatching club.

a. hundred b. hundreds of c. hundred of d. hundreds

2volunteers will give out leaflets to ask people to protect the wetlands. (12泰州)

a. two hundredsb. hundreds of

c. two hundred of d. hundred of

volunteers sent books to a mountain village school on children’s day. (12连云港)

a. two hundreds of b. two hundred of

c. two hundreds d. two hundred

4. our school is so famous thatpeople come and visit it every term. (12宿迁)

a. hundred b. hundreds c. hundred of d. hundreds of


a ten-minute walk= a ten minutes’ walk, 一个8岁的男孩 an 8-year-old boy

practice:the action film has attracted millions of young people to the cinema. (12无锡)

a.130-minute b.130-minutes c. 130minute d.130 minutes

6. 数词与表示时间,距离,长度的名词一起构成“数词+单位名词+形容词”,表示事物的形状,年代,长度,距离等。

这条河有两米深。 the river is two metres deep.

7. 与another, more 连用时,表示在已有基础上再增加一定数量,其结构为“another+基数词”或“基数词+more”

他又吃了两块蛋糕。he ate another two cakes.=he ate two more cakes.

注意another 与more 的位置。 another 位于数词前,more位于数词后。


a.构词法:序数词除first, second, third 以外,其余一般在基数词词尾加th构成, 如 thirteenth

口诀:基变序,有规律, 一二三, 全要变 th要从4加起, 八减t 九去e, 字母f代ve, ty变成ie,若是遇到几十几,只将个位来改变

b. 序数词的用法。

1. 序数词用来表示顺序、日期、楼层等 the second picture, march 12th, on the third floor..

2. 序数词前面要用冠词 the first one to get to school


1. -i hear your pen friend is visiting lianyungang again. is it the __time for him?

--yes, and he will come for a third time next spring. (2009连云港)

a. first b. second c. third d. fourth

2. i got a new bicycle from my father on mysixteen ) birthday. i like it very much. (12 南京)

3. the london olympic games, the第三十)summer games in history, will open on july 27th, 2012. (12无锡)

4. yesterday was father’s day and it was just my cousin’s二十) birthday. (12扬州)

5. take the第二) turning on your right an you’ll see the museum. (12徐州)

6. father’s day is on thethree) sunday of june.(12淮安)


three eighths , four-fifth…

practice : of the money has been spent recycling the rubbish.

a. three fifths b. third fifths

c. three fifthd. third fifth

特殊分数表达:a half(1/2) ,a quarter (1/4), three quarters (3/4)



1. thenineteen) football world cup will be held in south africa (2010 泰州市)

2. jack is busy preparing for a party to celebrate his sister’stwelve) birthday. he wants to give her a big surprise.

(2010 镇江市)

3. fourfive) of the students in our class h**e heard about the trip. (2010常州市)

4. it’s the第一 )time for nanjing to hold the asia bike show. it is sure to be a great success.


5. .it’s my cousin’s第二十三个) birthday next week. (11苏州)

6. we are doing a lot of activities to celebrate theninety ) birthday of the communist party of china11淮安)

7. even a child knows september is thenine ) month of a year. (2011扬州)

8. my family live on thefive ) floor of the tall building (11盐城)

9. july 1st is our party’sninety ) birthday this year .we chinese people are going to celebrate it11无锡)

10. threefour ) of the students in our class h**e handed in their reports. (11常州)

专题讲解 数词

数词专题讲解。掌握要点 1,基数词和序数词的构成及基本用。2,数词表示时间及年代的表达法。3,表示确切数目和不确切数目的表达法。4,分数,小数的构成和读法。一 数词的分类 数词分基数词和序数词。基数词表示数目,序数词表示顺序。二 基数词。一 巧记基数词口诀。1至12分别记,13至19都带 teen,...


数词一 数词的分类。数次分为2类 基数词 表示数目 与序数词 表示顺序 序数词与基数词的固定搭配 come finish first 比赛 获得第一名 come finish second 比赛 获得第二名。at first sight 乍一看 first aid 急救 first class头等座...

英语数词 1

数词。要点精华 一 数词的定义 表示数目多少和数目顺序的词叫做数词。二 数词的分类 基数词和序数词。1 基数词 表示数目多少的词。a.常用基数词列表。b.基数词的构成 1 1 12 无规律就是死记硬背。2 13 19词尾都有teen。要注意thirteen,fifteen,eighteen拼写的变化...