
发布 2021-05-14 09:01:28 阅读 1747


2011清远】37. every year, _people go to visit their factory

a. a thousand of b thousands c. thousand of d. thousands of

答案d解析】 考查数词。数词hundred, thousand, million等后面跟of 时,要变复数。排除c。


2011四川资阳)17. tom has just finished writing aarticle.

a. nine-hundred-wordsb. nine-hundreds-word

c. nine-hundred-wordd. nine-hundreds-words


2011江苏淮安】9.__people lost their homes in japan’s earthquake.

a. two thousands b. thousand c. thousands of d. thousand of

答案:c 解析】考查hundred等词用法。hundred, thousand 如果有具体数字修饰,用单数形式,表示具体数目。

表示约数时,用hundreds of , thousands of 的形式,表示“成百上千的”,“成千上万的”。语境为“在日本**中上千人失去了家园。”。


2011广西百色】 year, i visited a chemical factory in baise, there are about __workers in it.

a. six thousands b. six thousand c. six thousands of d. six thousand of

答案: b解析】本题考查数词的用法,“六千名工人”的正确表达是“six thousand workers”。

2011黑龙江绥化市】()27. about___of the students in our class were born in the_

a. two-thirds, 1990s b. two-thirds, 1990 c. two-third, 1990s


2011呼和浩特】4. nowdays of business letters are written in english.

a. two third b. two thirds c. two three c. second three


2011四川达州】28. —if a=4, b=5, what’s the answer to the question “ a + 2ab +1 =?

a. forty-fifthb. forty-five

c. twenty-threed. one hundred and twenty-one



2011四川广元】3. —how often do you exercise?

a. two b. twice c. second

答案:b 解析】词义辨析。two二,为基数词;twice两次;second第二,为序数词。根据问句“你多久锻炼一次?”,故选b。

2011乌鲁木齐】33. the teacher said that__ of the boys would take part in the talent show.

a. three five b. three fives c. thirds fifths d. three fifths


41. 【2011广西柳州】tomorrow is the boy’sbirthday.

a. seventhb. sevenc. seventeen


(2011贵州毕节)24.—which is the biggest number of the four?

a.one-third b.two-thirds c.a half d.a quarter


2011福建莆田26. —excuse me, where can i buy a jacket?

you can go to the men's wear section on thefloor.

a. two b. twice c. second


2011湖南岳阳中考)26. of the land is covered with trees and grass in pingjiang, yueyang.

a. three fives b. three fifths c. three fifth


2011雅安】8. september is __month of the year.

a. ninthb. ninec. the nined. the ninth


)24. 【2011凉山】—how was your day off yesterday?

—perfect! it was my grandma’sbirthday. we had a big cake.

a. eightyb. eightiethc. the eightieth


2011广西崇左】 at the table .han fang wants to buy two pieces of bread ,a bottle of orange juice and an ice cream .how much will she pay?

a. five yuan and eighteen fen

b. six yuan and twenty fen

c. seven yuan and twenty fen

d. eight yuan and twelve fen

解析】c 考查点:计算题。解题思路:




2011广西贺州】33. _people will visit qinzhou during the 12th games of guangxi.

a. thousand b. two thousands c. thousands of d. thousand of



2011郴州】26. —excuse me, how can i get to the museum?

- sorry. it's my___time to he here.

a. oneb. firstc. once

答案:b 解析】考查数词的用法。由句意“这是我第一次来这里”可知正确答案。

2011河源】 can see __if you go out at night.


1.the english for 10,440 is a.ten thousand four hundreds and forty b.ten thousand,four hundred and forty c.ten thousands,four hundred and forty d.ten ...


数词一 数词的分类。数次分为2类 基数词 表示数目 与序数词 表示顺序 序数词与基数词的固定搭配 come finish first 比赛 获得第一名 come finish second 比赛 获得第二名。at first sight 乍一看 first aid 急救 first class头等座...

英语数词 1

数词。要点精华 一 数词的定义 表示数目多少和数目顺序的词叫做数词。二 数词的分类 基数词和序数词。1 基数词 表示数目多少的词。a.常用基数词列表。b.基数词的构成 1 1 12 无规律就是死记硬背。2 13 19词尾都有teen。要注意thirteen,fifteen,eighteen拼写的变化...