
发布 2021-05-14 08:48:28 阅读 1079


1) 1 到 12:one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve。

2) 13 到 19:以-teen结尾。thirteen, fifteen, eighteen, nineteen

3) 20到90:以-ty结尾。twenty, thirty, fifty, eighty, ninety

4) 21-99之间数字的表达:十位和个位之间加连字符“-”如twenty-five


101:one hundred and one 258:two hundred and fifty-eight

6) hundred百,thousand 千,million百万 ,billon十亿。

7) hundred, thousand, million在任何具体数字之前,都要用单数形式。



hundreds of 成百上千的, thousands of 成千上万的, millions of 成百上千万的。

thousands of visitors come to guiyang every year.

three thousand visitors came to guiyang last month.


1. 第一单第三: first, second, third.

2. 第4到第19: 后加“th”: fifth,eighth, ninth, twelfth

3. 20以上的整数,把 y 改成i再加 “eth”: twentieth, thirtieth, fortieth, fiftieth

4. 100的序数词为:hundredth。

5. 其余的两位或多位数,只将个位改成序数词 ,其余仍用基数词表示:

twenty-first, thirty-second, forty-third one hundred and first

6. 序数词的缩写:1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 21st, 22nd, 34th, 101st




8去t ,9去e,f来把ve替;

整十将y变 ie,后加th要牢记;


7. 序数词前出现不定冠词a 或an时,则表示“再……"又……"

you can do it a second time. 你可以做第二次。



one half 二分之一 one third三分之一 two thirds三分之二,


three fourths/ three quarters

2.整数和分数之间须用and连接three and a half 读作 five and a quarter

一个半小时: one/an hour and a half= one and a half hours

三天半: 两年半


one third of the shop assistants in this department store are men.

two fifths of the money is used.


it's september first today. 今天是9月1日。

it happened on september 18th, 1931. 这发生在2023年9月18日。

2023年 nineteen ninety-nine 2023年:nineteen and eight 2023年 two thousand and fourteen



7:20, 可以读作: seven twenty, 或twenty past seven

12:08, 可以读作:twelve oh eight, 或eight past twelve

分钟刚好半点:9:30, 可读作:nine thirty, 或half past nine

分钟超过半点: 8:46, 可读作:eight forty-six, 或fourteen to nine

实战练习。 )1. it is said that sars has killed more thanpeople worldwide.

a. three hundreds b. three hundreds’ c. three hundred’s d. three hundred

)2. -how many workers are there in your factory? -there are two

a. hundreds b. hundred c. hundred of d. hundreds of

)3. -what do you think of a war, li ming?

--i’ve no idea. but it’s a fact that __people had to le**e their hometown during the war.

a. three thousands b. thousand of c. thousands of d. several thousands

)4. both of the two rulers are broken. i want to buy a __one.

a. three b. third c. forth d. /

)5.during world war ii, a jewish (犹太) lady was protected by a local family in shanghai in her __

a. fiftiesb. fiftyc. fiftiethd. the fiftieth

)6.--how often are the olympic games heldfour years.

a. every b. eachc. ind. for

)7. it is reported that the train accident in india killed __people. no chinese was__ them.

a. two hundred; among b. two hundreds; among

c. two hundred; between d. two hundreds; between

)8.__of the students are girls in our class.

a. two threeb.two threes c.two thirds d.second three

)9. the __world table tennis championship began __the morning of may 25, 2010moscow, russia.

a. fifty; in; in b. fiftieth; on; in c. fiftieth; in; on d. fifty; on; in

) a pity! liu xiang didn’t win the___hurdles(跨栏).

a.110-meterb.110-metersc.110 meter

) 11.—can i help you? —i’d likefor my twin daughters.

a. two pair of shoes b. two pairs of shoe c. two pair of shoe d. two pairs of shoes

)12. _girls took part in the happy girl competition but only few of them succeeded.

a. million of b. many million of c. one million of d. millions of

)13.there arepeople in the supermarket. it's so crowded.

a.hundred b.hundreds c.hundred of d.hundreds of

)14. i got a good present on my __birthday.

a. nine b. ninth c. the nine d. the ninth

) 15.--i hear your pen friend is visiting guiyang again. is it the __time for him?


基数词和序数词。基数词序数词0zero 1onefirst 1st第一2twosecond 2nd第二3threethird 3rd第三4fourfourth 4th第四5fivefifth 5th第五6sixsixth 6th第六7sevenseventh 7th第七8eighteighth 8t...


f 基数词在表示确切的数字时,不能使用百 千 百万 十亿的复数形式 但是,当基数词表示不确切数字,如成百 成千上万,三三两两时,基数词则以复数形式出现。there are hundreds of people in the hall thousands of people come to visit...


数词专练。数词是表示数量多少或顺序先后的词。分为基数词和序数词。一 基数词。1.表示数量多少的词是基数词,如 one,two,three等。2.数词的构成。1 从1 12分别由从one到twelve,12个各不相同的词表示。one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eigh...