2019高考英语单项选择抓分练习题 37

发布 2023-05-20 03:55:28 阅读 9592



1.(2012·吉林省实验中学模拟)when___help,one often says “thank you.”or “it’s kind of you.”

a.offeringb.to offer

c.to be offered d.offered


2.when day dawned,stars___from the sky.

a.kept away b.faded out

c.faded into d.died out

解析:选b。keep away远离某物;die out绝种;fade into消失在……中。

句意为“当天空破晓时,星星从天空中逐渐消失。”fade out表示“逐渐模糊”。

3.(2012·九江七校联考)if your order is ready,the tshirtto you as soon as possible.

a.has delivered b.is delivered

c.will deliver d.will be delivered

解析:选d。由句意和条件状语从句判断,主句表示将来的动作,故排除a、b两项;主语the tshirt与deliver为被动关系,所以用一般将来时的被动语态。

4.(·武汉高三检测)audiences and critics were___by its originality,vitality,and excitement of the beijing olympic opening ceremony.

a.happened b.reflected

c.occurred d.struck


5.the long talk was___and all of us were___of it.

a.tired;tiring b.tiring;tired

c.tiring;tiring d.tired;tired

解析:选b。第一空用tiring说明主语the long talk的特点,“令人乏味的”;第二空用tired表示我们的感受,be tired of“对……感到厌倦”。

6.on aids day,the minister of health department demanded that the problems __paid special attention to.

a.referred to being b.referred to be

c.refer to being d.refer to be


在世界艾滋病日,卫生部部长要求应该特别重视提到的这些问题。demand 后面接从句时,从句应用“(should)+动词原形”的形式,分析句子结构可知,从句中的主语是the problems,referred to 是过去分词短语作后置定语,be paid special attention to 是谓语部分,前面省略了should。

7.he was lucky to___to beijing university,where many top students in china are studying.

a.permit b.be permitted

c.admit d.be admitted


他很幸运地被允许进入北京大学(学习),很多中国最好的学生都在此就读。admit someplace结构的被动式为 admitted to someplace。

8.the doctor recommended that youswim after eating a large meal.

a.wouldn’t b.couldn’t

c.needn’t d.shouldn’t

解析:选d。考查虚拟语气的用法。recommend的宾语从句中用虚拟语气,既:(should) +v.,所以答案为d。

9.a study shows that students living in non smoking dorms are less likely to___the habit of smoking.

a.make up b.pick up

c.draw up d.turn up

解析:选b。句意:一项研究表明住在不吸烟宿舍的学生染上吸烟的可能性更小。pick up the habit“染上(坏)习惯”。

10.the thief escaped from prison and passed the day___discovery.

a.in f**our of b.in fear of

c.on account of d.at the mercy of

解析:选b。in f**our of“赞同;有利于”;on account of“因为,由于”;at the mercy of“完全受……支配”;in fear of“为……提心吊胆”符合语意。


11.children under 14 must be __by an adult.

a.companied b.accompanied

c.punished d.embarrassed


12.for more than 20 years,we’ve been supporting educational programs that___from kindergartens to colleges.

a.spread b.move

c.shift d.range


spread“传播”;move“移动”;shift“改变,转移”;range“变化”,且range from...to...表示“从……到……变化”。


13.(·福建省莆田一中高三模拟)—i don’t think it’s polite of them to call her “minister

i quite agree with you.

a.is it;yes b.do i;yes

c.is it;no d.are they;no


由i think 引导的宾语从句常常要进行否定转移,变反意疑问句时,要与从句主语保持一致,故反意疑问句用肯定形式,其主语是it,而由“i quite agree with you”可知,另一个人也持反面意见,故c项为正确选项。

14.didn’t it ever___to you that one day you would be fired because of your carelessness?

a.dream b.occur

c.strike d.happen


句意为:难道你没有想过有一天你会因为粗心而被解雇吗?occur to sb.

意为“某人突然想到”,符合句意。dream“梦想”;strike“打击,打动”,表示“让某人想起”时应用句式“it strikes 发生”。

15.—do you think bob will attend the meeting this afternoon?

a.i hope not b.i don’t hope so

c.i don’t think it d.i hope he would


“hope”只能用“i hope not”不能说“i don’t hope so”;c项应为“i don’t think so”;d项中“hope”从句中不用虚拟。







※时间:7月初开始,4小时/天(周一至周五) 、




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