
发布 2021-03-30 10:32:28 阅读 4267

【2013北京】21. volunteering gives you a chance lives, including your own.

a. change b. changing c. changed d. to change


2013北京】22. don’t turn off the computer before closing all programs you could h**e problems

a. or b. and c. but d. so

答案】a解析】考查并列连词。此处考查句型:祈使句+ and/ or+ 句子。or表“否则”。

2013北京】23. shakespeare’s play hamlet into at least ten different films over the past years.

a. had been made b. was made

c. has been made d. would be made

答案】c解析】考查动词时态。根据此句标志词over the past years应使用现在完成时态。故选c。

2013北京】24. the course very difficult, she decided to move to a lower level.

a. find b. finding c. to find d. found


2013北京】25. -do you think mom and dad late?

-- no, swiss air is usually on time.

a. were b. will be c. would be d. h**e been


2013北京】26. i h**e an appointment dr. smith, but i need to change it.

a. to b. off c. with d. from

答案】c解析】考查介词。短语为h**e an appointment with sb,意为与某人预约、约会。

2013北京】27. many countries are now setting up national parks animals and plants can be protected. a.

when b. which c. whose d.



2013北京】28. hurry up! mark and carl us.

a. expect b. are expecting c. h**e expected d. will expect

答案】b解析】考查动词时态。根据hurry up!可知,mark和carl正在等我们。故选b,现在进行时态。

2013北京】29. when we saw the road with snow, we decided to spend the holiday at home.

a. block b. to block c. blocking d. blocked

答案】d解析】考查非谓语动词。此处非谓语动词作宾补,动词block与see的宾语the road之间为被动关系,构成短语see sb/ sth done。故选d。

2013北京】30. i took my driving license with me on holiday, i wanted to hire a car.

a. in case b. even if c. ever since d. if only


2013北京】31. makes the book so extraordinary is the creative imagination of the writer.

a. that b. what c. who d. which

答案】b解析】考查名词性从句。此题题干部分is为系动词,the creative imagination of the writer为表语,故is之前为主语从句。从句中缺少主语指事物,故填what。


2013北京】32. -so what is the procedure?

-- all the applicants before a final decision is made by the authority.

a. interview b. are interviewing

c. are interviewed d. are being interviewed


2013北京】33. experts believepeople can waste less food by shopping only when it is necessary. a.

why b. where c. that d.



2013北京】34. if we a table earlier, we couldn’t be standing here in a queue.

a. h**e booked b. booked c. book d. had booked


2013北京】35. -you needn’t take an umbrella. it isn’t going to rain.

-- well, i don’t know. it do.

a. might b. need c. would d. should

答案】a解析】考查情态动词。第一个人说不会下雨,第二人回答i don’t know,因此可知,到底下不下雨是不能肯定的事情,故使用might表推测“有可能”。


2013辽宁 21.what do you think of the house?it s everything we ve been looking for.a.perfect b.good idea c.not bad.d.so so.答案 a解析 考查交际用语。根据后句 它正是我们在寻找的东西...

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