英语高考单项选择 七

发布 2021-02-21 18:53:28 阅读 2922




1. one of __most common illnesses in our society is “time sicknesssense of time pressure and hurry that causes anxiety and tension.

a . a b. /the c. a; a d. the; the


在我们这个社会里最常见的疾病之一是“时间病”,就是由于时间紧张和紧迫感而造成的焦虑和紧张 。第一空后为形容词最高级形式;第二空a表示泛指“一个(种)”。

2. it is clear that in modern society highand demands are placed on teachers.

a. motivations b. expectation c. standards d. opportunities


显然,在现代社会人们对教师有很高的期望和要求。motivation 动机;expectation 期望,要求;standard标准;opportunity 机会。结合句意,此处选用expectations。

3. so far the construction of the two new bridges over the river

a. h**e been completedb. has been completed

c. has completedd. h**e complete

解析】选b。考查主谓一致和语态。此处谓语形式应该与主语the construction一致,故谓语应该使用单数形式,故排除a和d两项;且complete与construction为动宾关系,故使用被动语态,所以选b。

4. i must decline because the conditions you offered are not

a. accessible b. **ailable c. acceptable d. comfortable


由于你方所提供的条件我不能接受,我只得辞谢。accessible 可进入的,可接近的,可得到的;**ailable 可用的,可获得的,有空的;acceptable 可接受的;comfortable 舒适的。结合句意,此处使用acceptable。

5. this argument sounds reasonable, butit’s incorrect.

a. fortunately b. actually c. naturally d. obviously


这种论调貌似有理, 实际上是错误的。fortunately 幸运地;actually 实际上;naturally 自然地;obviously 显而易见地。根据前后两个句子的逻辑关系可知此处使用actually。

6. —when shall we go to the summer palace?

make itday you like; it doesn’t matter to me.

a. a b. any c. some d. another

解析】选b。考查限定词。根据后面的it doesn’t matter to me可知此题选用any。any day表示“任何一天”。

7all the difficulties, we fulfilled our task ahead of schedule.

a. instead of b. in spite of c. due tod. in relation to


尽管有许多困难,我们还是提前完成了任务。instead of 代替,而不是;in spite of 尽管(表示转折含义);due to因为;in relation to 关于,和……相关。根据句意,此处选用in spite of。

8. this dictionary, which i bought yesterday, has been highlyby my professor.

a. acknowledged b. appealed c. recommended d. commanded


我昨天买来的这本字典是我的教授强烈推荐的。 acknowledge 承认, 感谢;appeal 呼吁,上诉;recommend 推荐,建议;command 命令,指挥。根据题意,此处使用r ecommended。

9. johnalmost all of his records to his friends, but he still had a very few left.

a. put away b. set asidec. turned ind. g**e away


约翰几乎把他所有的唱片都馈赠给了他的朋友,但他还剩一些。put away 把……收拾起来放好;set aside 搁置一边;turn in 上交,交还;give away 赠送。结合题意,此处选用g**e away。

10. —may i take my lunch to the reading room?

— no, you __you should finish it right here.

a. mightn’t b. won’t c. needn’t d. mustn’t


11. i will write the report as soon as ithe experiment.

a. will finish b. will h**e finished c. finished d. h**e finished

解析】选d。考查动词时态。现在完成时可以用于时间或条件等状语从句中,表示将要做某个动作之前必须要先完成的动作,故此题选d,即write the report之前必须先finish the experiment。

12himself in carrying out an experiment, he can’t spare time to look after his children.

a. occupied b. h**ing occupied c. occupying d. h**ing been occupied



13. as a student of senior three, he has very little free timehe can spend developing his own interest.

a. when b. in which c. at which d. that


14the smiths h**e moved, we still see them from time to time.

a. as long as b. as far asc. even thoughd. as though


虽然史密斯一家已经搬走,但我们仍然时常见到他们。as long as只要,用于引导条件状语从句;as far as 就……而言;even though即使,引导让步状语从句;as though 好像,可引导方式状语从句。根据前后两句的逻辑关系,此处选用even though。

15. —could i keep the book a few days longer?

if you like.

a. no way b. by all means c. under no circumstances d. my pleasure


—你借给我的那本书可以多用几天吗?—当然可以,只要你喜欢。根据if you like可知此处使用by all means,它译为“当然可以”。

16.i wonder why jack always gets good marks when he does onlythe others.

a.half as much as b.as much as half

c.half as many as d.as many as half

答案与解析:a 考查倍数表示法。句意:



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