
发布 2021-05-14 06:33:28 阅读 9310





1. 思维定势型

2. 规则硬套型

3. 母语干扰型

4. 插入隔离型

5. 借用倒装型

6. 结构误配型。

7. 词义误解型

8. 词性误用型

1. 思维定势。


1).in order not to be disturbed, i spent three hours __in my study.

a. locking b. locked c. to lock d. to be locked

2).it was 10 o’clock __the front doorbell rang.

a. where b. when c. that d. which

2 规则硬套型。


1) he made up his mind to devote his life __pollution __happily.

a. to prevent, to live b. to prevent, from living

c. to preventing, to live d. to preventing, living

2)the “two cities” referred __london and paris.

a. is to b. to be c. to are d. to going to be

3. 母语干扰型。


1) i’ll come to see you if___

a. you’re convenient b. it is convenient for you

c. you feel convenient d. it is convenient with you

2) if a northerner lives in south, he will probably feel that __

a. he doesn’t agree to the climate there. b. the climate doesn’t agree with him.

c. he can’t agree with the climate there d. the climate doesn’t agree to him.

4. 插入隔离型。


1) i am looking forward as much to his return as he himself to __me.

a. h**ing seen b. seeing c. see d. be seen

2) i think___though i could be mistaken, he liked me.

a. who b. which c. that d. what

5. 借用倒装型。


陷阱一。___he followed my advice, he would h**e succeeded.

a. when b. if c. had d. has

陷阱二。little jim is going to spend his holiday in paris, _lives his uncle.

a. which b. who c. where d. that

6. 结构误配型


陷阱一。they weren't a particularly good team, but they refused to give in and __defeat.

a. acceptb. accepted c. accepting d. to h**e accepted

陷阱二。we keep in touch __writing often.

a. with b. ofc. on d. by

7. 词义误解型


陷阱一。mr. black, who is a __is now in love with miss smith, who is a __

a. cooker, typewriter b. cook, typist c. cooker, typist d. cook, typewriter

陷阱二。we should __the people all heart and soul.

a. serve b. serve for c. serve to d. serve in

8. 词性误用型


陷阱一。___your students against or for the plan made by the teacher?

a. do b. canc. ared. did

陷阱二。a __road goes __from one place to another.

a. straight, straight b. straightly, straightly

c. straight, straightly d. straightly, straight

自我检测。1. _is known to everybody, the moon tr**els around the earth once every month.

a. it b. as c. that d. what

2. the letter i h**e been looking forward to __at last.

a. come b coming c. has come d. came

3. remind him __the window when he le**es.

a. of closing b. closing c. to close d. close

4. whom would you rather __with you, jim or jack?

a. h**e go b. h**e to go c. h**e gone d. has to go

5. according to the rules, students must not __their books during examinations.

a. read b. watch

c. notice d. look at


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