
发布 2023-04-22 22:04:28 阅读 1299



1-5 acbaa 6-10 cbcbc 11-15 accab 16-20 baacb 21-25 bccab

26-30 accbc 31-35 acbba 36-40 abcac 41-45 baabb 46-50 acaab

51-52 cb


53. difficult 54. history 55. relaxing 56. 2:00

57. watch58. because 59. boring60. finish61. let’s


62. what color is your hat

63. my f**orite teacher

64. when is the art festival

65. these are my parents/…

66. my sister doesn’t like salad

x. 段落编写的评分参考。








hello, i am jack. there are four people in my family. they are my father, my mother, my sister and i.

and we h**e a big house, too. every room is tidy and clean, but my room is not. my books are not in my bookcase.

my clothes are on my bed. my tape player is under the bed. my balls are on the floor.

oh, where is my pencil box? it’s not in my schoolbag, it’s on the chair. i can’t find things i want, it’s too bad.

my mother always asks me to clean my room. i always say “ok, i will do it!” but i don’t.

my teacher will come to visit my parents on sunday. i think i must keep my room clean and tidy when i am free.

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