
发布 2023-04-22 08:40:28 阅读 1142



满分100分, 时间120分钟)




( )1. 下列大小写字母不对应的一组是 __

a. f—fb. m—wc. e—ed. q—q

)2. —your name?

my name is kate.

a. what’sb. whoc. howd. how’s

)3. —is she maria?

she __

a. no; aren’t b. yes; isn’t c. no; are d. yes; is

)4. —are you mr. wang?

—yes, i am.

a. fineb. pleasec. excuse me d. ok

( )5. my mom is __teacher. she’s __english teacher.

a. a; anb. a; ac. an; ad. an; an

)6. —what’s __telephone number?

—it’s 8265-3412.

a. youb. yourc. myd. he

)7. —are they?

—they are maria and jane.

a. whob. whatc. whered. how

)8. mary __from cuba.

ab. amc. ared. is

)9. “one one zero” 表示 __

a. 火警b. 匪警c. 急救中心 d. **号码查询台。

)10. —is he li ping?

yes, _

a. she’sb. he’sc. he isd. she is

( )11. —is mary?

she is five.

a. whob. whatc. whered. how old

( )12. —what are these?

___are desks.

a. thisb. thosec. theyd. it

)13. —who’s that, kangkang?


a. that’sb. this isc. he’sd. they’re

)14. —what class are you in?

i’m __

a. in class 3, grade 7b. in class 3, grade 7

c. class 3, grade 7d. class 3, grade?

)15. —are those books?

yes, _

a. they areb. they aren’t c. those are d. those aren’t

)16. —what’s this __english?

it’s an egg.

a. theb. toc. ind. /

)17. —are they from canada?

no, they __

a. areb. aren’tc. notd. isn’t

( )18. —is that an orange?

___it’s an apple.

a. yesb. noc. it isd. it isn’t

)19. —what’s __over there(在那边)?

it’s a bus.

a. theseb. thosec. thisd. that

( )20. —where __they from?

—they’re from japan.

a. isb. amc. ared.


a. 从ⅱ栏中找出ⅰ栏各句的应答语。(5分)

)21. where is he froma. no. i’m mr. wang.

)22. what’s his nameb. that’s ok.

)23. let me help youc. canada.

)24. are you mr. lid. he’s li dawei.

)25. thank youe. thank you.

. 完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)

my name is zhang yun. i 'm __26__ xingyi. my english name __27__ julia.

i'm eleven __28__.i'm __29__class 5, grade 1. i h**e __30__ goog friend.

her name is jane. _31__is from england. she is eleven,too.

her chinese name is tian are in the same__32___33___we are not in the same __34__.35__are her pencils. they are very nice.

) of ) d. be

)28a. year old c .years old d. old

) d. at

) d. she

) d. this

) d. grade

) and d. at

) d. class

) d. what

. 阅读理解(每小题2分,共30分)

ahello! my name is joy. i’m a girl.

i’m eleven. i’m in class eight, grade seven. this is my friend, joan.

she is twelve. she is in a high school. she is in class seven, grade eight.

my english teacher is miss white, but her english teacher is miss green. look!who’s that?

oh, she’s my mom. she’s a chinese(语文) teacher.


)36. _is in class eight, grade seven.

a. joanb. johnc. joyd. joe

)37 joan is joy’s(乔伊的)__

a. teacherb. friendc. student(学生) d. mom

)38. joan is __

a. elevenb. twelvec. thirteen d. fourteen

)39. joy’s(乔伊的) english teacher is __

a. miss white b. miss green c. joy’s mom d. joan

)40 joy’s(乔伊的) mother is __

a. an english teacherb. a friend

c. a studentd. a chinese teacher

bhello! my name is fangfang. i’m your english teacher.

i’m from guiyang. this is mike. he’s from the he’s your teacher, too.

this is kangkang. he’s from guangzhou. he’s new(新来的).


)41. fangfang is a teacher.

)42. mike is a teacher, too.

)43. fangfang and mike are from china.

)44. kangkang is a student.

)45. li lei is from beijing.

clook! this is li lei. he is from shanghai.

he is thirteen years old. now he is in beijing ren'ai(仁爱)junior high school. he is in class ten, grade eight.

his telephone number is (020)7868-9688. li lei and sally are good friends. they are in the same class, but they are not of the same age(年龄).

she is twelve. she’s from canada. now sally and her mom are in the same school.

her mom is a good teacher.


长汀县2014 2015学年度第二学期期中考试。七年级地理试卷。满分 100分考试时间 60分钟。一 选择题,请将答案写在答题卡 相应题号下方空格内,每小题2分,共50分。读某四个大洲轮廓示意图,回答第1题。1 关于这四个大洲的叙述,错误的是。a 大洲有 高原大陆 之称 b 大洲面积最大。c 大洲位...


1 下列长度的三根木棒能制作成三角形的是。a 2,4,2 b 2,3,6 c 3,6,6d 7,13,5 2 下列生活中的现象,属于平移的是。a 抽屉的拉开b 汽车刮雨器的运动。c 坐在秋千上人的运动d 投影片的文字经投影变换到屏幕。3 某超市举办有奖销售活动,办法如下 凡购物满100元者得奖券一张...


1.下列运算结果正确的是 a.b.cd.2.下列说法中正确的个数是 1 a和0都是单项式 2 多项式 3a2b 7a2b2 2ab l的次数是3 3 单项式的系数为 2 4 x2 2xy y2可读作x xy y2的和 a l个b 2个c 3个d 4个。3 下表,填在各正方形中的四个数之间都有相同的规...