
发布 2023-04-22 08:38:28 阅读 9450




第一卷选择题 (共计80分)





abc .abc.


abc. 第二节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)


6.a.my name’s sonia. b.her name’s janec.his name’s jack.

7.a.yes, i amb.no, it isn’tc.yes, i do.

8 a.c-o-m-p-u-t-e-r b.no, he isn’tc.yes, i can.

9.a.i’m fine, thank you. b.he is 34c.she is fine, thanks.

10.a.she’s in the room. b.they’re in the drawer. c.it’s on the desk.



11.a. it’s blueb. it’s blackc. it’s green.

12.a. 024b. 025-71796425c. 025-**

13.a. helenb. alicec. alan

14.a. yes, she isb. no, she isn’tc. yes, it is.

15.a. yes, she doesb. yes, she isc. no, she doesn’t.

16.a. on the bedb. under the bedc. in his backpack.

17.a. a soccer ballb. a ping-pong ballc. a basketball.

18.a. on the dresserb. in the drawerc. on the bookcase.

19.a. yes, she isb. no, she isn’tc. yes, he is.

20.a. his math bookb. his english bookc. his notebook.




21.what’s the girl’s full (完整的) name?

a.mary blackb.linda blackc.linda smith.

22.where’s mr. wang’s map?

a.it’s in his deskb.it’s in his backpack. c.it’s under his backpack.


23.does maria h**e a tennis racket?

a.yes,she doesb.no, he doesn’tc.i don’t know.

24.jackie hasbasketballs andvolleyballs.

a.2, 4b.5, 8c.5, 4

25.jackie and maria will (将会) play




26.—where’s my jacket?

it’sa.in backpack b.on the bedc.on a bedd.under bed

27these black

no, they’re not.

a.are; pensb.are; penc.is; pend.are; pen

28.her name is sonia hall. sonia is hername.

a.full (完整的) b.familyc.lastd.first

29lucy and lily?

in the room.

a.where’sb.wherec.where’red.where does

30.this is my room. a bed, a desk and a chairit.

a.are onb.is inc.is underd.are in

31.—is it your watch?

no, it isn’t. it iswatch.

a.the hisb.a herc.hisd.my

32is the name of the girl on the sofa?


33.—what color are your pencils?

a.it’s yellowb.they are blue

c.it’s the blued.they are the green

34.—can you spell “map”?

a.yes, i can. m-a-p, mapb.yes, i can’t. m-a-p, map.

c.m-a-p, mapd.no, i can.

35.—what’s that in english?

a.that’s an eraserb.it’s eraser.

c.this is a mapd.it’s a jacket.

36your brother franka tennis racket?

yes, he

a.does; h**e; doesn’tb.does; h**e; does

c.do; h**e; dod.does; has; does

37.my father playsevery day.

a.the volleyball b.a volleyball c.an volleyball d.volleyball

38is my cousin, andname’s mike.

a.she; she’s b.he; he’sc.he; hisd.she; she

39you h**e a tennis racket?

yesa.do; i do b.do; i doesn’t c. are; i amd.does; i don’t

40.weknow her name.

a.aren’t b.notc.doesn’td.don’t

41. mr. wang, _play baseball.

a. let’s b. let wec. let id. let

42. my friend jane __h**e a computer.

a. don’tb. doesn’tc. notd. aren’t

43. i h**e __uncle and he has __alarm clock.

a. a; ab. an;ac. a; and. an; an

44. there are (有) many __in my class, and i h**e some___here(这里).

a. boy; friend b. girl; friendsc. girls; friendsd. boies; friends

45. hello, dad. i need my english book this afternoon. can you __it to school for me?

a. takeb. bringc. h**ed. play



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