
发布 2023-04-18 18:58:28 阅读 3174


听说部分。一、 听句子,选出句子中所提到的事物的**,将序号填在提前的括号内。每题听两遍。(每题2分,共10分)


二、 认真读题,然后你将听到三个问句,其中有一个是符合题目的要求的。选择合适的问句,将序号填写在题前的括号内。每题听两遍。(每题2分,共10分)






三、 下面你将听到五个问句。请根据问句内容从abc三个选项中选择合适的答语。将序号填在提前的括号内。每题听两遍。(每题2分,共10分)

) the yes, i do. c. i like my house.

) milk and sunday.

)3. a. yes, i do. b. my father is a doctor. c. i can clean the house.

)4. fly a kite on sunday. b. it’s under the desk .c. yes, there is.

)5. a. there is a cat.

b. yes, i see. c.

don’t worry, there aren’t any in winter.


what’s your mother’s f**orite tv program? and what about your father’s?


)1. a. tallb. thinc. polite

) vegetable b. french fries c. hot dog

) 3. a. bedroomb. kitchen c. library

) 4. a. hamburger b. milkc. sandwich

) 5.a.saturday b. wednesday c. canada


)1. my father likesgoing fishing . a.去游泳 b.去划船c去钓鱼。

)2. i can see many flowers everywhere. a.到处 b.在** c.每一个。

)3. the boy sits between the two 在后面 b在附近 c 在中间。

)4. i h**e math and english on thursday. a 星期六 b星期四 c 星期五。

)5. missgreen is very strict with 严格的 b生气的c 有礼貌的。


)1. -is there a photo on the wall

a. yes, it isb. no, there isn’tc. no, it isn’t.

)2. i am a good boy. i can __my clothes.

a. wash b. reads c. doing

)3. -what’s your teacher like? -he’s

a. youngb. watching tvc. behind the bike

)4. what’s __f**oritefood?do you like bread?

a. youb. yourc. me

)5. tom is behind jim, jim is __tom.

a. beside b. in front ofc. above

) can you do?

a. my f**orite sport is basketball.

b. i can play the guitar.

c. i h**e english on tuesday.

) can play ping-pong,__i can’t swim.

a. andb. but c. so

)8. –what do you h**e on wednesday

a. i h**e a new water bottleb. i h**e music and chinese.

c. i often do homework.

)9. -what would you like to eat? -i’d like a

a. milkb. teac. hamburger

) a picture on the wall and there __some plants on the floor.

a. is; are ;isc. are; are


1. doon play ping-pongyou often sunday?

2. what on h**e you do monday?

3. yourlikeclassroom what’s ?

hill on.


lily :peter, welcome to my house!

peteroh. your room is nice!

lily: thank you! do you want to watch tv

peter: no, thanks.

lilypeter: ok. thank you!

lilypeter: i’d like some fish and rice.

lily: dinner is ready

peter: i will!


hello! my name is tom. i like english very much.

my f**ourite food is beef, eggplant and tofu. i’m very helpful. i can do the dishes, set the table and water the flowers.

today is saturday. i often read books, do my homework and watch tv on saturdays. what do you do on weekends?

my home is near a river. there are some mountains behind my house. there is a road in front of my house, you can see two bridges over it .

welcome to my home .

) 1. tom likes beef ,eggplants and tofu.

2023年秋季语文A版五年级语文上学期8 稻草人教案

稻草人。教学目标 1.让学生了解叶圣陶及他的一些童话作品。2.在有感情地朗读这篇童话作品时,了解稻草人在田里所看到的几件事,感受稻草人急别人所急,但又无能为力的思想。3.能简要复述稻草人看到的几件事。教学过程 一 借助插图,简介叶圣陶及他的童话作品。二 揭示课题。1.板书课题 稻草人。2.出示稻草人...


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考试时间 110分钟 一 看拼音写词语。8分 ch nn k i q ng k x u s h o r k u zh wm xu 二 比一比再组词。5分 忧垦豪愧骏。扰恳毫魄俊。三 判断题。5分 1 勾勒 和 勒紧 中的 勒 字读音相同。2 天下谁人不识君 其实是个反问句。3 风吹草动 月缺花残 都...