
发布 2023-04-18 08:50:28 阅读 9800




听力部分 (40 分)

一、 listen and number(听录音,为**标上序号) (每小题1分,共10分)

二.listen and answer 听音,选出正确的答案(每小题1分共10分)

( )1. a. it’s under the table. b. no, it isn’t.

c. i h**e a ball.

)2. a. she can wash the clothes. b. yes, i can.

c. he can do the dishes .

)3. a. i often watch we h**e chinese and math.

c. i h**e pork and fish.

)4. a. yes, he is funny. b. he is funny

c. she’s active.

)5. a. yes, she is. b. he is active c. yes, i am.

)6. a. he is young and active

b. he is strict and tall.

c. he is smart and active.

) 7. a. it’s over the bed. b. it’s near the closet.

c. it’s over the end table.

) 8. a. we h**e cabbage and fish.

b. we h**e potatoes and pork.

c. we h**e mutton and potatoes.

) 9. a. i can make the bed.

b. i can clean the bedroom.

c. i can put away the clothes.

) 10. a. fish. b. apples. c. cabbage.

三.listen and judge 听短文。根据你在录音中听到的内容判断句子的对错,对的写“t”,错的写“f”。(每小题1分,共5分)

) is eleven.

) f**ourite food are eggs and mutton.

) is helpful at home.

) can’t wash the clothes.

) likes science very much.

四、listen and choose(听对话,选择正确的答案) (每小题1分,共5分)

) 1. a. it’s near the bed.

b. it’s over the bed.

) 2. h**e eggplants, potatoes and fish .

h**e eggplants, tomatoes and tofu .

) 3. a. he is short and thin.

b. he is short and strong.

) 4. a. i can cook the meals.

can do the dishes.

) 5. a. there is a mirror, an air-conditioner and two end tables.

b. there is a mirror, an air-conditioner and a big closet.


1. mr. carter is my english teacher. he’s

2. you can see a desk and twoin my bedroom.

3. i don’t likethey are sour.

4. there is aover the river. it’s in front of our village.

5. mike can sweep the floor. he often does it on

writing part(笔试部分) (60分)

六、read and choose the right answer(单项选择) (每小题1分,共10分)

—i often watch tv and read books.

a. what can you do?b. what do you h**e on fridays?

c. what do you do on saturdays?

) 2. there is a big bridgethe river.

a. on b. over c. near

) 3. i watch tvsaturdays.

a. on b. at c. in

) 4. what do you h**e on tuesdays?

a. today is tuesday.

b. we h**e cabbage and tofu for lunch.

c. we h**e computer, and math.

) 5. what's your f**ourite fruit?

a. i like mutton. it’s health.

b. i like grapes. they are sour.

c. i like green beans. it’s fresh.

) 6. —tomorrow is tuesday ,what day is it today?

today is

a. monday b. saturday c. wednesday

) 7. there many small houses in my village.

a. is b. are c. h**e

) 8. whatyou like for dinner?

a. are b. do c. would

) 9. —are you helpful at home?

a. yes, i am. b. yes, i can. c. yes, i do.

) 10. are there any tall buildings in the village ?

a. no, there aren’t. b. yes, there is.

c. no, there isn’t.

七、read and choose.(读短文,选择正确的单词填空。) 每空1分,共10分)

watch tree meals cook eggplant

tuesday funny flowers read housework

hello! i’m kitty. i’m thin andmy f**orite day isbecause we h**e tomatoes and __for lunch that day.

on saturdays i often __tv and do sports. on sundays i often __books and doat home. i’m helpful at home .

i can __thelook! there is a big __and many colorful(色彩缤纷的near my house ! how nice!

八、make sentences according to the words below (连词成句。) 每小题2分,共10分)

can table set the (?

2. your food what’s f**ourite (?

3. english what’s like teacher your ?

4. is a park there river in the ?

5. any in mountains are forest there the pandas (

九、read and match.(读句子,连线) (每小题2分,共10分)


1 选出适当字母把单词补充完整,把答案序号写在题前括号内。共5分 1.l fe 生活 a.a b.i c.o 2.sh w 演出 a.a b.i c.o 3.ph to a.a b.i c.o 4.r dio 卡片 a.a b.i c.u 5.f nny 滑稽的 a.a b.i c.u 二。按要求写...

小学英语试题 五年级

四 根据所给情景,选择最佳答语。10分 c 1 下午遇见朋友。应该如何打招呼?a good morning.b good noonc good afternoon b 2 你想夸别人真幽默时,应该说 a.how beautifulb how funny c how nice a 3.当别人帮助你时,...


一 按字母表顺序写出元音字母的大小写 4分,每空1分 aa 二 下列各组单词中划线部分的发音有一个与其他三个不同的,请把它的序号填入括号中 9分,每题1.5分 1.a earthb.mirrorc.shirtd.learn woofb.whoc.woodd.juice knowc.rosed.now...