
发布 2023-04-18 08:49:28 阅读 9754


一、 动词后面加上ing :


主语+be+动词ing〔现在分词〕形式,有时会要求自己加上be动词(is, am , are )。句子中经常会出现look, listen, now……等词。


肯定句式:主语+be( am, is, are)+动词ing+其它。

否定句式:主语+be(am, is, are) +not +动词ing+其它。

一般疑问句:be(am, is, are) +主语+动词ing +其它?

特殊疑问句:疑问词(what , where…)+be(am, is, are)+主语+动词ing +其它?


练习:1. what are youdo) now? ieat) bread.

2. it’s nine o’clock.. my fatherwork) in the office.

3. look, the boyput) the plate on his finger.

4heclean) the classroom? no, he isn’t. heplay).

5. where is mak? herun) on the grass.

6. listen, whosing) in the music room? oh, marysing) there.

like(s), go , do some , 后面的动词加ing.

如:1. i like (play ) football, but my father likesplay) chess.


二、动词后面加s/es. 这就有关一种时态:一般现在时。


时间状语:often经常, usually通常, always总是, every每个, sometimes有时,at…在几点钟。

它的动词变化与主语人称有关,只有肯定句中第三人称单数用动词三单(动词加s/es),其余动词均用原形。在否定句和问句中,因为有助动词do, don’t , does , doesn’t,所以后面的动词用原形。

三单变化: 多数在动词后加s play—plays like—likes

以s,x,sh,ch,o结尾的动词加es go—goes wash—washes watch--watches

以辅音字母加y结尾,把y改i再加es fly—flies study—studies


1、肯定句:主语(非三单)+动原+其它 / 主语(he , she )+动词三单+其它。

2、否定句:主语(非三单)+don’t+动原+其它 / 主语(he , she )+动原+其它。

3、一般疑问句:do +主语(非三单)+动原+其它 / does +主语(he, she )+动原+其它。

4、特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词(what, where …)do +主语(非三单)+动原+其它。

特殊疑问词(what, where…)+does +主语(he , she )+动原+其它。

练习:1. we oftenplay) in the playgound.

2. heget) up at six o’clock.

3youbrush) your teeth every morning?

4. what(do) he usually (do) after school?

5. danny (study) english,chinese,maths,science and art at school.

6. mike sometimesgo) to the park with his sister.

7. at eight at night, shewatch) tv with his parents.

8mike___read) english every day?

9. how many lessons___your classmate___h**e) on monday?

10. what time___his motherdo) the housework?

11. what you usually (do ) on sundays ?

12. henot likedrink ) tea .

13. theynot likeplay ) cards.

三、动词用原形的名显特征有:1、在can , can’t, let’s , shall we 后面用原形。

2、助动词do , don’t , does , doesn’t 后面动词用原形。

练习:1、he canput ) an egg on his mouth .

2. let’sclean ) the library now.

3. shall weh**e ) lunch at eleven o’clock?

4. does your unclewater) flowers every day ?


1. wang bing iswrite) an e-mail to his friend in the study.

2. iplay) the piano, my brotherwatch) tv now.

can (swim), but inot),i canski).

and (play) basketball .

weclean) the classroom now.

(like) (skate),my parentsnot),they (likeswim).

green (likedance) very much.

8do) uncle wangrun) fast?

oftengoswim) in summer(夏天).

youh**esomebobby)? yes, i (do).

11do) your fatherwatch) tv in the evening?no, henot).

is helenspeak).

usuallyplay) football after school.

(live) in a small town near nanjing.

an e-mail to his friend now.

(do) nancy usually (do)? she usuallygrow) flowers .

17. my fatherlike) that song very much. he oftensing) it.

18hewatch) tv in the evening? no, he __

19. my parents usually___get) up at 6. my sister __get) up at 6:

15, and i usuallyget) up at 6:30

20. _your father __fly) kites over there now? let me see.

yes, he __he oftenfly) kites there. shall we __go) to h**e a look?


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