
发布 2020-10-27 08:18:28 阅读 5447


1.lily goes to school at 8:00 every day.(变否定句、疑问句)

2.i read books at about 7:00 in the evening.(用“她的弟弟”造这个句子、并且变否定句、疑问句)

3. i h**e english class on monday. (用“jack”造这个句子、 并且变否定句、疑问句)

4.i often go shopping on the weekend.(用“吉姆的妈妈” 造这个句子、 并且变否定句、疑问句)

5.the chirdren do his homework every night.(用amy造这个句子,并且变否定句、疑问句)

6.i watch tv at 7:30 every night.( 用she造这个句子,并且变否定句、疑问句)


) 1. what___you h**e on wednesdays? a. are b. do c. h**e

) 2. what do you do___the weekends? a.

on b. to c. from,) 3.

it's 7: 00. it's time___go to school.

a. for b. to c.

on) 4. i can play ping-pong___you. a. with b. and c. to

) 5. we often___books in the evening, a. look b. watchc. read

)6. we often go to school from___to friday. a. wednesday b. sunday c. monday

)7. i do __homework at 7 :30 in the evening. a. my b. her c. his

) 8it's 9:20. a. what day is it? b. what do you do? c. what time is it?

) 9. what __is it today? b. day

)10. today __friday. a. is b. are

) 11 sunday is fun __me. aon bfor


1. what are you doinga. yes, they are.

2. is her birthday in juneb. it's may the 5th.

3. what's the datec. i'm answering the phone.

4. what do you do on the weekendd. yes, it is.

5. are they doing an experimente. i often going hiking.


1. they, cathing butterflies, are(?)

2. when, get, do, up, you(?)

3. play sports, i, at, 3:00, usually(.)

4. do, why, winter, you, like(?)

5. mountains, i, sometimetimes, climb(.)


my name is tim. i'm eleven years old. my birthday is october 2nd.

it's in golden fall. the weather is cool and sunny. it's my f**ourite season.

my father's birthday is in october, too. can you imagine(想到)it's on the same(同一) day! we can enjoy ourselves on that day together!

usually we go hiking or fly kites. sometimes we h**e a picnic. we h**e a lot of fun on that day!

1. when is tim's birthday? what's the date?

2. what do tim and his father do on their birthdays?

3. which season does tim like best?


a. what are the pandas doing? b.

can pandas swim? c. no, i don’td.

what’s your f**ourite animal? e. yes, they canf.

no, they don’t. g. what are you doing

tom: do you like kangaroos? mary:

tommary: my f**ourite animal is panda. it is so cute.

tom: can pandas climb trees? mary:

tommary: no, they can’t swim.

tom: lookmary: they are drinking water.


unit 1 this is my day第六课时 导学案。教师 苏艳萍班级小组姓名 学习目标 1 能够听 说 读 写本课时句型 what do you do on the weekend usually i watch tv and go shopping sometimes i visit my...


总分 100分时间 60分钟。年级姓名分数。一 单项选择 从a b c三个选项中选出正确答案。分 1.whatyour name?a.areb.isc.am 2.七月份之前是哪一个月?a.july b.june c.august 后面一天是哪天?a.sunday b.thursday c.frida...


11 1 已知b和d的比是3 1,b占总数的 2 已知a是4000,则e是。1 点c的数对表示是 2 把三角形abc绕a点按 方向旋转 再向 平移 格就得到三角形abc。二 判断。1 一款豆浆机六月份售价350元,比四月份下调50元,六月份比四月份下调12.5,这组数据的中位数是42。3 两个等底,...