小学英语试题 五年级

发布 2023-04-16 18:15:28 阅读 3117



a.good morning. b.good noonc.good afternoon


a. how beautifulb.how funny c.how nice

a)3. 当别人帮助你时,你应说:__

a. thank not at you're welcome!


a. how old are you? b. goodbye. c. nice to meet you!

c)5. 当你想展示自己的新蜡笔时,可以说:__

a、it's my crayons my crayons at my new crayons


( a )1、a、duck b、sister c、brother

c )2、a、mother b、father c、mouse

a )3、a、fish b、apple c、banana

b )4、a、fifteen b、short c、eleven

b )5、a、taxi b、desk c、bus

六、读一读,连对话 。(14分)

1、nice to meet you (da、he is my dad.

2、where are you from ? fb、yes i do.

3、who 's that man ? ac、my name is sally.

4、do you like oranges ?(bd、nice to meet you ,too.

5、how many kites can you see ? g) e、i’m fine ,thank you.

6、how are you ? ef、i’m from china.

7、what's your name ? cg、i can see 12.


a)小的 b)大的 c)长的 d)短的 e)高的。

f)长颈鹿 g)鹿 h)尾巴 i)儿童 j)动物。

) d )

c ) b )

( f ) h)

i ) j )

g ) a )八、给下列问句选择相应答语,把它的序号写在前面的括号里(10分)

c )1. look at the elephant! a. i'm from china.

b )2. look at the deer! b. it's short.

a)3. prc,prcc. wow!it's so big.

e)4. they're in the zoo.

d )5. where are the tigers? e. i'm from america.


b )1.“6 指的是。

a.上午 6点钟 b.下午 6 点钟 c.星期六。

c )2.“英国”的英语缩写是。

a. can b. usa c. uk

a)3.你看到一只猫,你想跟 amy 说这只猫真可爱,你可以说:__

a. how lovely! b. how big! c. how many?

c )4.英文字母一共有___个。

a. 25 b. 27 c. 26

c )5.下面三个词,哪个不是“short”的反义词?

a. tallb. longc. big

a )6.“小眼睛”的英文单词是:__

a. small eyes b. small ears c. small nose

b )7.“电视机”用大写字母表示,应该是:__

a. cd b. tv c. vcd


a. i h**e a so funny. b. i h**e a so big.

c. i h**e a so tall.

c )9.去动物园时,你叫同学别喂动物吃东西,应说:__

a. look at the animalsb. i don't like animals.

c. don't feed the animals.

b )10.你想知道对方是**人,可以说:__

a. where are youb. where are you from?

c. who are you?


1. 喂! (3 )what’s your name?

2. 再见! (4 )miss white

3. 你叫什么? (1)hello!

4. 怀特小姐。 (2)goodbye!

5. 我的名字是汤姆。 (5)my name’s tom.


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