
发布 2023-04-15 08:24:28 阅读 7027




话题1 : talk about sb’s information . unit 1---unit 4)

话题词汇:家庭成员: grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, parents, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, son, daughter...

数字:one,two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven,

twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen,

nineteen, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety,

one hundred.

国家: britain,australia,new zealand,france,germany,japan, russia,china, america, england, singapore ,canada...

外貌、性格: eye, nose, mouth, hair, face, ear...

cute, active, quiet, pretty, smart, clever, lovely, beautiful,


round, big ,small, young, old, long ,short ,tall, fat ,thin,

black, brown, yellow, white

职业: a) 单数:a writer/singer/dancer/policeman/policewoman/reporter/

worker/teacher/taxi river/doctor/nurse/postman/


an actor/actress...

b) 复数:writers, singers, dancers, policemen, policewomen,reporters, workers, teachers, taxi drivers, doctors,nurses, postmen, farmers, actors, actresses...

工作地点:bank,hotel,shopping mall,restaurant, company,library,school,hospital,shop,cctv,cinema...

动词ing: sing-singing, ,read-reading, dance-dancing, come-coming,ride-riding, skate-skating, run-running, sit-sitting,

功能:1) 介绍: this is my… he’s my uncle. she’s my aunt.

2) 询问及应答:

a. 询问人物关系,姓名:

who’s that man / woman/he/she?

he's/she's my ..

what’s your/his/her name? my/his/her name is...


b. 询问年龄: how old are you/is he/is she? i’m/he’s/she’s...

扩充: what’s your/his/her age? i’m/he’s/she’s...

c. 询问班级: what grade are you/is he/is she in?

i’m/he’s/she’s in class...grade...

d. 询问**: what’s your/his/her phone number? it’s...

e. 询问学号: what’s your/his/her number? it’s...

f. 询问国籍: where are you from? i’m from...

where do you come from? i come from...

where does he/she come from? he/she comes from...

g. 外貌、性格特征: what’s he/she like?

he/she has big eyes, a big nose...

扩充: what does he/she look like?

he/she has big eyes, a big nose...

he’s/she’s cute/active/quiet ..

h. 职业: what do you do? i’m a/an...

what does he/she do?

he’s/she’s a writer/an actor...

what's his/her job? he’s/she’s a worker/an actress...

what do your parents/they do? they are teachers...

扩充:what are you? i’m a teacher...

what's he/she? he’s/she’s a policeman...

i. 工作地点: where do you work/study?

i work/study in a cinema/at sunny school...

where does your father/mother/he/she work/study?

he/she works/studies in beijing hospital/at cctv/..

j. 住址: where do you live?

i live in the happy city/on shanghai road/at 56 wuhan road...

k.兴趣爱好: i like both singing and dancing.

do you like…? yes, i do. /no, i don’t.

l. 未来职业畅想: what do you want to be in the future?

i want to be a/an...i’ll be a/an...

话题2 talk about sth. (unit 5—unit 6)


a) 可数名词:

文具,水果, 玩具,日常用品。

文具:a schoolbag/dictionary/ruler/crayon...

an activity book

复数:schoolbags, dictionaries, rulers, crayons, activity books...

水果: a pear/coconut/grapefruit/hami melon/cherry/strawberry/star fruit


an apple/orange...

复数:pears,coconuts, grapefruits, hami melons,,longans,

star fruits,lychees,watermelons,bananas, grapes, apples,

oranges, strawberries, cherries, peaches, mangoes...

玩具: a hen/cow/horse/goose...

an elephant

复数: hens, cows, horses, geese, elephants...

特:fish-fish(单复同形) fish-fish

鱼鱼肉。sheep-sheep (单复同行)

日常用品:a fan/sun cap /camera/watch...

an umbrella...

复数:fans, sun caps, cameras, watches, umbrellas...

b) 不可数。

食物:food, fruit, bread ,pork, beef, rice ,chicken...

饮料: drink, milk, juice, water...


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