五年级上册英语期中测试卷人教 精通 x

发布 2020-10-26 16:22:28 阅读 7039



) a银行b树木c道路() a你的b我的c你们() a什么b哪儿c谁() a为什么b这儿c**() a街道b城市c国家二.选出与其他两个单词不同类的一项10分。

)1. a clever b quiet c hair()2. a eye b hec she()3.

a that b woman c man()4. a handsome b beautiful c his()5. a big b long c nose三.用所给词的适当形式填空10分。

namebe) betty.

from back toyou) seat , are goodfriend).四.按要求写单词10分。

am (缩写形式 (主格完整形式单三形式)__形容词性物主代词。


)1is my new her b she c his( )2.__old are you?

a what b how c where( )is __name?

a heb she c his( )and amb are c is( )5name is lisa.

a she b it c her( )6. i come___britain.

a of b from c to( )toclass

a we b us c our( )8is your friend from?a what b how c where( )come from?

a do b is c you( )you like___

a singing b sings c sing


)1.你想知道小红住在**你可以问她;a where are you from?

b where do you live?

c what about you?()2.她看起来很可爱。

a he looks active.

b she looks cute.

c she looks funny.

)3.开始上课时,你的英语老师可能会说;a l e t’s go home goodbye , boys and let’s begin our class4.你来自**?

a where do you come from?b where do you live?

c what is he from?


a do you like singing?

b do you like sing?

c are you like singing?六.连词成句`10分。

1. what name is his ?

2. are where you from?

3. is she how old ?

4. do live where you ?

5. that is who man ?

八.阅读短文判断正(t)误( f )10分cathy: i h**e a new friend. she is very : what’s her name ?

cathy: her name is gina. she has long beautiful hair and

big black eyes.

lily : can i meet her ?cathy: sure.

lily : nice to meet you, gina. where do you come from ?

gina : i come form : you look very :

thank you. and you look smart.

)1. gina is lily’s friend.( 2.

gina has big black eyes.( 3. cathy comes from russia .

)4. gina is very beautiful.( 5. cathy looks smart.

九.你能形容你的爸爸吗?(不能少于5句话)10分提示;年轻的(young )多大年龄(years old)高的(tall)强壮的( strong ) smartpoliceman help people handsome love



期中测试卷。一 请你根据汉语意思找出正确的单词。1.卷曲的 2.小的 3.动物 4.乐于助人的 5.友好的 6.马 7.数学 8.短的 9.绵羊 10.教。a.straighta.smalla.nosea.helpfula.kinda.horsea.mathsa.longa.sheepa.study...


大塘埠镇小学2014 2015学年度第一学期学习水平测试卷。五年级数学 一 1 填空 24分,每空2分 1 78.6 11的商是循环小数7.14545 可以写作保留到百分位为 2 6分钟做12个零件,每分钟做 个零件,每个零件需要 分钟。3 如果一个三位小数取近似值是5.86,那么这个数最大是 最小...

2019五年级英语下册期中测试卷 人教PEP版

人教pep版英语五年级下册期中测试。笔试部分 五 判断每组单词画线部分读音是否相同,相同打 不同打 1 clock clean 2 brown blue 3 shoes wash 4 child lunch 5 picnic exercise 六 单项选择。1 i usually shopping ...