
发布 2020-10-26 15:48:28 阅读 3747

中卫六小2013——2014学年度第一学期五年级英语期中测试卷 (98分+卷面2分=100分)



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1、when did you come back? we came back last sunday.

2、how many bananas do you want? six please.

3、how much cheese do you want? half a kilo.

4、did you wash lingling’ s t-shirt? no,i didn’t.

5、is this sam’s t-shirt? yes, it’s his.

6、there are too many books on the desk.


)a. here you are.

)b. five yuan, please.

)c. one kilo, please.

)d. hello! how many oranges do you want?

)e. thank you. here are your oranges.





not(缩写形式) 复数形式。


)1.--how are you?. i ’ m

a. new, thanks b. fine, thank you c. old,thanks

)2. i __tv yesterday.

a. watching b. watched c. watches

)3. did they buy ice cream

a. yes, they did b. yes, they didn ’ t c. no, they did

)4. _bananas do you want?

a. how many b. how much c. what

)5.__did you go to school? by bike.

b. where c. how


1. (当别人对你说“how old are you?”时,你应该回答:

a. i’m fine, thank you. b. how are you? c. i’m eleven

2( )要向别人介绍你的新朋友时,应该说:

a. this is your ice cream. b. this is your new friend.

c. this is my new friend, lingling.

3. (你想知道john是否也在伦敦住,应这样问:

a. john lives in london, too. b. does john live in london, too?

c. does john come from london, too?

4. (你想让别人等等你,应该说:

a. wait for me,please! b. don’t wait for me! c. hurry up!

5.( 你想知道这件毛衣是谁的,你会说:

a、whose t-shirt is this? b. whose sweater is this ? c. it’s mine

6( )你告诉爸爸妈妈你想成为一名足球守门员:

a、i want to be a goalkeeper . b. i want a goalkeeper.

c. do you want to be a goalkeeper?

七。判断正(t),误 (f)。(2分×7=14分)

in july , lingling went to xinjiang with her parents. xinjiang is in the west of china . she rode a horse .

she climbed the tianshan mountain . she visited the tianchi lake . it was very beautiful.

she had a lovely time there .

)1. lingling went to xinjiang with her grandparents .

) went there in june .

) is in the east of china .

) rode a bike .

) climbed the tianshan mountain .

) visited the hyde park .

) had a lovely time in xinjiang .

八、阅读练习,选择正确答案。( 2分×5=10分)

my name is li lei . i come from china. i’m ten years old.

there are three people in my family. my father is a doctor. my mother works in a school, she is a teacher.

i h**e a little dog, his name is jimmy, he has a big nose, two small ears and a long tail .we all like him.

) lei is years old.

a.5 b.9. c.10

) many people are there in li lei’s family?

b. four

) does li lei’mother work?

a hospital b. in a school a shop

) is li lei’s pet?

cat b. a dog c. a rabbit

) is li lei’s little dog like?

a. he has a small nose,two big ears.

b. has a short tail

has a big nose ,two small ears and a long tail.


五 选择正确的答案。20分 1.who s that girlmy sister.一 finish the words.填入所缺字母,完成单词10分 a.she sb.he sc.it s 高的t ll 滑稽可笑的f nny 亲切的k nd2.do you like flowers 年老的o d 矮...


2013 2014学年度亳州师专实验小学。第一学期五年级英语期中试卷。一 送单词宝宝回家。20分 mondaycabbagesoureggplantthursday sweetfridaysaltypotatotuesday 1.蔬菜类。2.星期类。3.味道类。二 找出每组单词中与其它不同类的单词。...


一 找出不同类的单词 10分 fly b jump c walk d climber cat b monkey c zood panda head b nosec eard mom march b spring c summer d winter tofu b cabbage c trunk d e...