
发布 2020-10-20 17:55:28 阅读 2788










二、 选择。(20分)

) i go hiking

a. go…toob. goes…either c. goes…too

) birthday card for our mother.

a. makeb. ******c. makes

)3birthday is in october?

a. whob. whosec. who’s

) you like best?

a. seasonb. seasonsc. a season

) mother is a teacher. she goes to school7:00the morning.

a. at…onb. at…atc. at…in

) treeare green in spring.

a. leafsb. le**esc. leaf

)7is the ninth month of a year.

a. septemberb. august c. october

) like winter. i cansnow.

a. play withb. play on c. playing in

) is beautiful, but it’scoldme.

a. to…forb. too…for c. too…to

)10. i’m going to watch tv___afternoon

a. thisb. inc. on


1、wait say2、hair hear

3、pear dear4、hear deer

5、game h**e6、white write (


)1、when is children’s daya. no,it’s in july.

)2、what’s the date todayb. i usually do homework.

)3、which season do you like best? c. because i can play with snow

)4、why do you like winterd. it’s in june.

)5、what do you do on the weekend? e. i eat lunch at 12:00.

)6、is your birthday in junef. i like winter.

)7、when do you eat lunchg. it’s january 6th .



2、birthday,in,her,is,february, (

3、on ,visit, i,grandparents,the, often,weekend, (

4、like ,you ,why, winter ,do, (

5、date, is ,today, the , what,(?

六、 根据中文提示,用单词完成句子。(20分)

1.我最喜欢春季。 i like

2.你在周末通常做些什么?what __you usually do on the __

3.明天让我们一起去晨练。 let’s dotomorrow.

4.五一是一年的第五个月is themonth of a year.


七、 阅读理解。判断下列句子意思与短文意思是否相符,用“t”或“f”表示。(10分)

zoom and zip are good friends. they are planning a trip(旅游). zip is going to sunny australia(澳大利亚)!

it’s so warm there. he can swim all day. he has a new bathing suit(游泳衣) and sunglasses(太阳镜).

but zoom doesn’t like swimming. he likes skating. so he is going to canada, it’s winter there now.

he can skate all day. he has winter coats(冬衣) and some new ice skates(滑冰鞋).

) season in australia and canada is the same.

) and zip are going to canada.

)3. zoom likes swimming.

) has a new bathing suit and sunglasses.

) can swim all day in canada.

八、look and write 请根据**提示,介绍一下今天几月几日,现在是什么季节,在此季节你可以做什么活动,你喜欢这个季节吗?要求不少于五句话(10分)


一 找出不同类的单词 10分 fly b jump c walk d climber cat b monkey c zood panda head b nosec eard mom march b spring c summer d winter tofu b cabbage c trunk d e...


2013年xx小学五年级上册期中测试卷。总分100分,测试时间60分钟 姓名计分。一 按正确的格式抄写句子,注意大小写和标点符号。10分 do you want some rice?which one do you want?can i borrow a pencil?二 将单词补充完整。10分 1...


2016 2017学年上学期五年级英语期中测试卷。学校班级姓名。时间 60分钟总分 100分 听力部分 共四大题,计30分 一 听录音,用a,b,c,d,e将下列 排序。每个句子读两遍。共5小题,计5分 二 听录音,选出与你所听问题相对应的答语,将其标号填入题前括号内。每个问题读两遍。共5小题,计5...